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ID of session: wwdc2023-10193
ID of event: wwdc2023
ID of session without event part: 10193
Shortened ID of event: wwdc23
Year of session: 2023
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2023] [Session 10193] Design Sh...

WWDC23 • Session 10193

Design Shortcuts for Spotlight

Design • iOS • 9:39

Learn about the latest updates to the visual language of App Shortcuts and find out how to design your shortcut to appear as a top hit in Spotlight. We’ll share how shortcuts can appear on iOS or iPadOS, and show you how to customize the visual appearance of a shortcut, personalize its order, select its correct behavior, and increase discoverability.

Speaker: Cameron Burgess

Open in Apple Developer site