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ID of session: wwdc2023-10191
ID of event: wwdc2023
ID of session without event part: 10191
Shortened ID of event: wwdc23
Year of session: 2023
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2023] [Session 10191] Meet Obje...

WWDC23 • Session 10191

Meet Object Capture for iOS

Spatial Computing • iOS, macOS • 20:05

Discover how you can offer an end-to-end Object Capture experience directly in your iOS apps to help people turn their objects into ready-to-use 3D models. Learn how you can create a fully automated Object Capture scan flow with our sample app and how you can assist people in automatically capturing the best content for their model. We’ll also discuss LiDAR data and provide best practices for scanning objects.

Speakers: Lei Zhou, Mona Yousofshahi

Open in Apple Developer site