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ID of session: wwdc2023-10153
ID of event: wwdc2023
ID of session without event part: 10153
Shortened ID of event: wwdc23
Year of session: 2023
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2023] [Session 10153] Unlock th...

WWDC23 • Session 10153

Unlock the power of grammatical agreement

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:20

Discover how you can use automatic grammatical agreement in your apps and games to create inclusive and more natural-sounding expressions. We’ll share best practices for working with Foundation, showcase examples in multiple languages, and demonstrate how to use these APIs to enhance the user experience for your apps. For an introduction to automatic grammatical agreement, watch “What’s new in Foundation” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Alla Shashkina

Open in Apple Developer site