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ID of session: wwdc2023-10076
ID of event: wwdc2023
ID of session without event part: 10076
Shortened ID of event: wwdc23
Year of session: 2023
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2023] [Session 10076] Design fo...

WWDC23 • Session 10076

Design for spatial user interfaces

Design • visionOS • 22:41

Learn how to design great interfaces for spatial computing apps. We’ll share how your existing screen-based knowledge easily translates into creating great experiences for visionOS. Explore guidelines for UI components, materials, and typography and find out how you can design experiences that are familiar, legible, and easy to use.

Speakers: Lorena Pazmino, Miquel Estany Rodriguez

Open in Apple Developer site