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ID of session: wwdc2023-10050
ID of event: wwdc2023
ID of session without event part: 10050
Shortened ID of event: wwdc23
Year of session: 2023
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2023] [Session 10050] Optimize ...

WWDC23 • Session 10050

Optimize machine learning for Metal apps

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 21:14

Discover the latest enhancements to accelerated ML training in Metal. Find out about updates to PyTorch and TensorFlow, and learn about Metal acceleration for JAX. We’ll show you how MPS Graph can support faster ML inference when you use both the GPU and Apple Neural Engine, and share how the same API can rapidly integrate your Core ML and ONNX models. For more information on using Metal for machine learning, check out “Accelerate machine learning with Metal” from WWDC22.

Speaker: Denis Vieriu

Open in Apple Developer site