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ID of session: wwdc2022-10093
ID of event: wwdc2022
ID of session without event part: 10093
Shortened ID of event: wwdc22
Year of session: 2022
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2022] [Session 10093] Integrate...

WWDC22 • Session 10093

Integrate your custom collaboration app with Messages

App Services • iOS, macOS • 28:29

Discover how the SharedWithYou framework can augment your app's collaboration infrastructure. We'll show you how to send secure invitations to collaborative content and synchronize participant changes. We'll also cover displaying content updates within the relevant conversation. For an introduction to SharedWithYou, watch "Add Shared with You to your app" from WWDC22. For an overview of the collaboration UI APIs, watch "Enhance collaboration experiences with Messages" from WWDC22. (Note: API will be available in an upcoming beta.)

Speakers: Devin Clary, Lance Parker

Open in Apple Developer site