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ID of session: wwdc2022-10018
ID of event: wwdc2022
ID of session without event part: 10018
Shortened ID of event: wwdc22
Year of session: 2022
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2022] [Session 10018] Bring Con...

WWDC22 • Session 10018

Bring Continuity Camera to your macOS app

Business & Education • iOS, macOS • 19:41

Discover how you can use iPhone as an external camera in any Mac app with Continuity Camera. Whether you’re building video conferencing software or an experience that makes creative use of cameras, we’ll show you how you can enhance your app with automatic camera switching. We’ll also explore how to recognize user-preferred and system-preferred cameras, take you through APIs for high-resolution and high-quality photo capture from iPhone’s video stream, and more. To learn more about camera capture, watch "Discover advancements in iOS camera capture" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Karen Xing

Open in Apple Developer site