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ID of session: wwdc2021-10256
ID of event: wwdc2021
ID of session without event part: 10256
Shortened ID of event: wwdc21
Year of session: 2021
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2021] [Session 10256] Meet the ...

WWDC21 • Session 10256

Meet the Swift Algorithms and Collections packages

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 30:29

Discover two of the latest additions to the list of open-source Swift packages from Apple: Swift Algorithms and Swift Collections. Not only can you use these packages immediately, they also incubate new algorithms and data structures for eventual inclusion in the Swift Standard Library. We’ll show you how you can integrate these packages into your projects and select the right algorithms and data structures to make your code clearer and faster.

Speakers: Kyle Macomber, Karoy Lorentey

Open in Apple Developer site