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ID of session: wwdc2021-10235
ID of event: wwdc2021
ID of session without event part: 10235
Shortened ID of event: wwdc21
Year of session: 2021
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2021] [Session 10235] Build int...

WWDC21 • Session 10235

Build interactive tutorials using DocC

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:13

Discover how you can author immersive tutorials from scratch with DocC. We’ll demonstrate how you can bring together rich instructions, example code, and images through the DocC syntax to showcase your Swift framework in action. And we’ll go over how to create progressive training that can provide interactive learning opportunities and help people better understand use cases for your framework.

Speakers: Will Imholte, Hannah Jiang

Open in Apple Developer site