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URL pattern


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ID of session: wwdc2021-10202
ID of event: wwdc2021
ID of session without event part: 10202
Shortened ID of event: wwdc21
Year of session: 2021
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2021] [Session 10202] Detect bu...

WWDC21 • Session 10202

Detect bugs early with the static analyzer

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:12

Discover how Xcode can automatically track down infinite loops, unused code, and other issues before you even run your app. Learn how, with a single click, Xcode can analyze your project to discover security issues, logical bugs, and other hard-to-spot errors in Objective-C, C, and C++. We’ll show you how to use the static analyzer to save you time investigating bug reports and improve your app's overall quality.

Speaker: Ravi Kandhadai Madhavan

Open in Apple Developer site