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ID of session: wwdc2021-10160
ID of event: wwdc2021
ID of session without event part: 10160
Shortened ID of event: wwdc21
Year of session: 2021
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2021] [Session 10160] Capture a...

WWDC21 • Session 10160

Capture and process ProRAW images

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 26:30

When you support ProRAW in your app, you can help photographers easily capture and edit images by combining standard RAW information with Apple’s advanced computational photography techniques. We’ll take you through an overview of the format, including the look and feel of ProRAW images, quality metrics, and compatibility with your app. From there, we’ll explore how you can incorporate ProRAW into your app at every stage of the production pipeline, including capturing imagery with AVFoundation, storage using PhotoKit, and editing with Core Image.

Speakers: David Hayward, Tuomas Viitanen, Matt Dickoff

Open in Apple Developer site