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ID of session: wwdc2021-10036
ID of event: wwdc2021
ID of session without event part: 10036
Shortened ID of event: wwdc21
Year of session: 2021
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2021] [Session 10036] Discover ...

WWDC21 • Session 10036

Discover built-in sound classification in SoundAnalysis

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:16

Explore how you can use the Sound Analysis framework in your app to detect and classify discrete sounds from any audio source — including live sounds from a microphone or from a video or audio file — and identify precisely in a moment where that sound occurs. Learn how the built-in sound classifier makes it easy for you to identify over 300 different types of sounds without the need for a custom trained model. This includes a variety of noises, ranging from human sounds, musical instruments, animals, and various items. For custom models, see how you can leverage the Audio Feature Print feature extractor to create smaller models with variable sound window control to better serve your app’s purposes. For more about Sound Classification and the Sound Analysis framework, watch “Training Sound Classification Models in Create ML” from WWDC19.

Speakers: Jon Huang, Kevin Durand

Open in Apple Developer site