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ID of session: wwdc2020-10686
ID of event: wwdc2020
ID of session without event part: 10686
Shortened ID of event: wwdc20
Year of session: 2020
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2020] [Session 10686] Explore t...

WWDC20 • Session 10686

Explore the new system architecture of Apple silicon Macs

Frameworks • macOS • 23:16

Discover how Macs with Apple silicon will deliver modern advantages using Apple's System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture. Leveraging a unified memory architecture for CPU and GPU tasks, Mac apps will see amazing performance benefits from Apple silicon tuned frameworks such as Metal and Accelerate. Learn about new features and changes coming to boot and security, and how these may affect your applications.

Speakers: Gavin Barraclough, Anand Dalal

Open in Apple Developer site

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HD Video (133 MB)
SD Video (50 MB)