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ID of session: wwdc2020-10149
ID of event: wwdc2020
ID of session without event part: 10149
Shortened ID of event: wwdc20
Year of session: 2020
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2020] [Session 10149] Structure...

WWDC20 • Session 10149

Structure your app for SwiftUI previews

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:41

When you use SwiftUI previews during development, you can quickly create apps that are more flexible and maintainable. Discover ways to improve the preview experience by making small tweaks to your project. Find out how to preview multiple files at once, how to manage data flow for previews, and how to use sample data while previewing. We'll also give you strategies for defining view inputs to make them more previewable and testable. To get the most out of this session, you should have some familiarity with SwiftUI. For an introduction to interacting with SwiftUI previews in Xcode, check out "Visually Edit SwiftUI Views" from WWDC20.

Speaker: Kevin Cathey

Open in Apple Developer site