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ID of session: wwdc2020-10006
ID of event: wwdc2020
ID of session without event part: 10006
Shortened ID of event: wwdc20
Year of session: 2020
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2020] [Session 10006] Introduci...

WWDC20 • Session 10006

Introducing Car Keys

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 21:31

You can now store car keys on iPhone or Apple Watch. You no longer have to bring your key fob to unlock and start your car. And with digital keys, it's easy to share them with family or friends, and manage keys remotely. This session is intended for automakers who want to adopt digital car keys in their vehicles. We'll talk about the core feature set including owner pairing, transactions (when you unlock or start your car), key sharing, and key management. Learn about the car key architecture and how it ensures security and privacy. Get information on where to go next for information on hardware and specifications.

Speaker: Matthias Lerch

Open in Apple Developer site