Configure player


WWDC Index does not host video files

If you have access to video files, you can configure a URL pattern to be used in a video player.

URL pattern


Use any of these variables in your URL pattern, the pattern is stored in your browsers' local storage.

ID of session: wwdc2019-720
ID of event: wwdc2019
ID of session without event part: 720
Shortened ID of event: wwdc19
Year of session: 2019
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2019] [Session 720] What's New ...

WWDC19 • Session 720

What's New in Safari Extensions

Frameworks • macOS • 19:53

Safari Extensions surface your app's unique capabilities within Safari. Discover how the latest features such as content blocking notifications and user interface management and control innovations for pages, tabs, and popovers make your Safari App Extensions and Content Blockers even more powerful. Learn about the latest APIs and best practices for communicating between your extension and your app.

Speaker: Brian Weinstein

Open in Apple Developer site