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ID of session: wwdc2019-712
ID of event: wwdc2019
ID of session without event part: 712
Shortened ID of event: wwdc19
Year of session: 2019
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2019] [Session 712] Advances in...

WWDC19 • Session 712

Advances in Networking, Part 1

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 56:58

Keep up with new and evolving networking protocols and standards by leveraging the modern networking frameworks on all Apple platforms and following best practices for efficiency and performance. In this session, learn about Low Data Mode, Combine in URLSession, WebSocket, and improvements to network mobility.

Speakers: Josh Graessley, Guoye Zhang, Jiten Mehta, Christoph Paasch

Open in Apple Developer site