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ID of session: wwdc2019-260
ID of event: wwdc2019
ID of session without event part: 260
Shortened ID of event: wwdc19
Year of session: 2019
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2019] [Session 260] Introducing...

WWDC19 • Session 260

Introducing Photo Segmentation Mattes

Media • iOS • 15:32

Photos captured in Portrait Mode on iOS 12 contain an embedded person segmentation matte that made it easy to create creative visual effects like background replacement. iOS 13 leverages on-device machine learning to provide new segmentation mattes for any captured photo. Learn about the new semantic segmentation mattes available to you from both AVCapture and Core Image to isolate a person's hair, skin, and teeth. Using any of these individual mattes or combining all of them, your app can now offer a tremendous amount of photo editing control.

Speakers: Brad Ford, Jacob Schack Vestergaard, David Hayward

Open in Apple Developer site