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ID of session: wwdc2018-224
ID of event: wwdc2018
ID of session without event part: 224
Shortened ID of event: wwdc18
Year of session: 2018
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2018] [Session 224] Core Data B...

WWDC18 • Session 224

Core Data Best Practices

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:26

As your app gains more customers and becomes more feature-rich, you may find yourself with new problems to solve. Core Data is a powerful tool that has changed a lot over the years. Learn about the new best practices in Core Data, such as how to use concurrency and persistent history, and discover how to test for, and resolve, common problems using familiar technologies.

Speakers: Scott Perry, Nick Gillett

Unlisted on Apple Developer site