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ID of session: wwdc2018-213
ID of event: wwdc2018
ID of session without event part: 213
Shortened ID of event: wwdc18
Year of session: 2018
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2018] [Session 213] CarPlay Aud...

WWDC18 • Session 213

CarPlay Audio and Navigation Apps

Frameworks • iOS • 38:32

Learn how to update your audio or navigation app to support CarPlay. Apps in CarPlay are optimized for use in the car, and automatically adapt to available vehicle screens and input controls. Audio apps can deliver music, news, podcasts, and more. With the new CarPlay framework, Navigation apps can provide detailed maps, destination search, turn-by-turn guidance, and user notifications.

Speakers: Jonathan Hersh, Albert Wan, Mike Knippers

Open in Apple Developer site