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ID of session: wwdc2017-706
ID of event: wwdc2017
ID of session without event part: 706
Shortened ID of event: wwdc17
Year of session: 2017
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2017] [Session 706] Modernizing...

WWDC17 • Session 706

Modernizing Grand Central Dispatch Usage

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:37

macOS 10.13 and iOS 11 have reinvented how Grand Central Dispatch and the Darwin kernel collaborate, enabling your applications to run concurrent workloads more efficiently. Learn how to modernize your code to take advantage of these improvements and make optimal use of hardware resources.

Speakers: Daniel Chimene, Daniel A. Steffen, Pierre Habouzit

Open in Apple Developer site