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WWDC Index does not host video files

If you have access to video files, you can configure a URL pattern to be used in a video player.

URL pattern


Use any of these variables in your URL pattern, the pattern is stored in your browsers' local storage.

ID of session: wwdc2017-504
ID of event: wwdc2017
ID of session without event part: 504
Shortened ID of event: wwdc17
Year of session: 2017
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2017] [Session 504] Advances in...

WWDC17 • Session 504

Advances in HTTP Live Streaming

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 54:50

HTTP Live Streaming allows you to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Learn about great new features and enhancements to HTTP Live Streaming. Highlights include support for HEVC, playlist metavariables, IMSC1 subtitles, and synchronized playback of multiple streams. Discover how to simplify your FairPlay key handling with the new AVContentKeySession API, and take advantage of enhancements to offline HLS playback.

Speakers: Roger Pantos, Anil Katti

Open in Apple Developer site