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ID of session: wwdc2017-212
ID of event: wwdc2017
ID of session without event part: 212
Shortened ID of event: wwdc17
Year of session: 2017
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2017] [Session 212] What's New ...

WWDC17 • Session 212

What's New in Foundation

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 53:10

Whether you're building apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, or tvOS, a lot of the functionality you get from Apple's SDKs comes from the Foundation framework. Join the Foundation engineering team to hear about the improvements they’ve been working on. Learn how significant changes to key paths can help make your code safer with strong type checking in Swift. Hear all about how the new archiving API can help you safely convert your native Swift types to and from external formats like JSON. Gain insights into performance enhancements that will help make your app even more efficient.

Speakers: Tony Parker, Michael LeHew, Itai Ferber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site