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ID of session: wwdc2016-804
ID of event: wwdc2016
ID of session without event part: 804
Shortened ID of event: wwdc16
Year of session: 2016
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2016] [Session 804] Designing G...

WWDC16 • Session 804

Designing Great Apple Watch Experiences

Design • watchOS • 56:05

watchOS 3 represents a big leap forward for Apple Watch and the apps that run on it. Performance improvements, powerful graphics and animation capabilities, deeper access to device capabilities, and a refined navigation model lay the foundation for designing useful and stunning Apple Watch apps. Learn best practices and techniques for making complications, notifications and apps that are highly actionable, glanceable and responsive.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site