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ID of session: wwdc2016-230
ID of event: wwdc2016
ID of session without event part: 230
Shortened ID of event: wwdc16
Year of session: 2016
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2016] [Session 230] Enhancing V...

WWDC16 • Session 230

Enhancing VoIP Apps with CallKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 35:53

CallKit is a new framework that lets your VoIP app integrate tightly with the native Phone UI. Learn how you can have your incoming calls displayed fully on the lock screen. Get details on how people can choose to use your app when making calls from the native Phone app's contacts, favorites, and recents. See how adopting CallKit lets your app coexist seamlessly with other active calls, and allow your calls to interact with CarPlay and Bluetooth accessories.

Speakers: Sirisha Pillalamarri, Stuart Montgomery, Nick Fraioli

Open in Apple Developer site