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ID of session: wwdc2015-414
ID of event: wwdc2015
ID of session without event part: 414
Shortened ID of event: wwdc15
Year of session: 2015
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2015] [Session 414] Building Be...

WWDC15 • Session 414

Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 39:43

Swift supports rich first-class value types in the form of powerful structs, which provide new ways to architect your apps. Learn about the differences between reference and value types, how value types help you elegantly solve common problems around mutability and thread safety, and discover how Swift's unique capabilities might change the way you think about abstraction.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Bill Dudney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site