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ID of session: wwdc2015-411
ID of event: wwdc2015
ID of session without event part: 411
Shortened ID of event: wwdc15
Year of session: 2015
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2015] [Session 411] Swift in Pr...

WWDC15 • Session 411

Swift in Practice

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 38:17

Learn how Swift can help you define away some common pitfalls in app development, allowing your apps to benefit from safer runtime behavior while enjoying strong guarantees provided by Swift at compile-time. Hear about how API availability checking in Swift allows you to easily take advantage of new APIs while guaranteeing safe deployment to earlier OS releases. See how enumerations and protocols can help not only maintain compile-time invariants between your app's code and assets but also reduce boilerplate.

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Alex Migicovsky

Unlisted on Apple Developer site