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URL pattern


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ID of session: wwdc2015-224
ID of event: wwdc2015
ID of session without event part: 224
Shortened ID of event: wwdc15
Year of session: 2015
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2015] [Session 224] App Extensi...

WWDC15 • Session 224

App Extension Best Practices

App Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 45:23

App extensions allow powerful ways to expose your application's abilities throughout iOS and other apps. Discover best practices for various extension types and see how to effectively communicate between your extension and its parent application or the network. Learn techniques for using the shared keychain and see how to improve discovery of your share and action extensions.

Speakers: Sophia Teutschler, Ian Baird

Unlisted on Apple Developer site