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ID of session: wwdc2014-612
ID of event: wwdc2014
ID of session without event part: 612
Shortened ID of event: wwdc14
Year of session: 2014
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2014] [Session 612] Motion Trac...

WWDC14 • Session 612

Motion Tracking with the Core Motion Framework

Graphics and Games • iOS • 53:32

Core Motion leverages the M7 motion coprocessor and other built-in sensors to provide support for step counting and motion tracking. See examples of Core Motion based apps in action. Learn how health and fitness apps use pedometer information to give users performance and workout results, and how journaling apps use motion classification to tag the day's activities.

Speakers: Sunny Chow, Andy Pham

Unlisted on Apple Developer site