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ID of session: wwdc2014-419
ID of event: wwdc2014
ID of session without event part: 419
Shortened ID of event: wwdc14
Year of session: 2014
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2014] [Session 419] Advanced Gr...

WWDC14 • Session 419

Advanced Graphics and Animations for iOS Apps

Tools • iOS • 45:43

Creating a responsive UI requires an understanding of Core Animation and how mobile GPUs work. Learn about the iOS rendering pipeline in Core Animation, the new UIVisualEffectView and how it utilizes the GPU. Find out about the available tools for profiling UI performance. See how to identify and fix performance issues on a variety of devices.

Speakers: Michael Ingrassia, Axel Wefers

Unlisted on Apple Developer site