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ID of session: wwdc2014-418
ID of event: wwdc2014
ID of session without event part: 418
Shortened ID of event: wwdc14
Year of session: 2014
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2014] [Session 418] Improving Y...

WWDC14 • Session 418

Improving Your App with Instruments

Tools • iOS, OS X • 55:25

Whether you're new to optimizing your app's performance or a seasoned veteran, learn about the new version of Instruments. See the new workflows, tools, and tips that will help you analyze and refine your app as it adopts the latest Apple technologies, including Swift and app extensions.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Joe Grzywacz, Kris Markel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site