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ID of session: wwdc2013-503
ID of event: wwdc2013
ID of session without event part: 503
Shortened ID of event: wwdc13
Year of session: 2013
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2013] [Session 503] Designing G...

WWDC13 • Session 503

Designing Games with Sprite Kit

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 1:01:37

Dive into the practical workflow of developing a 2D adventure game using Sprite Kit. See how to get started, and learn about tools for optimizing image assets, creating particle systems, and building game levels. Understand how Sprite Kit integrates with your art pipeline and get expert guidance to share with your artists. Come away from the session with a fully functioning game in-hand and its code explained.

Speakers: Graeme Devine, Spencer Lindsay, Norman Wang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site