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ID of session: wwdc2013-309
ID of event: wwdc2013
ID of session without event part: 309
Shortened ID of event: wwdc13
Year of session: 2013
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2013] [Session 309] Putting Map...

WWDC13 • Session 309

Putting Map Kit in Perspective

Services • iOS, OS X • 51:21

iOS 6 introduced a 3D view in Maps and now your app can take advantage of this view as well using Map Kit. Dive deep into how to use 3D mode for Map Views and how you can use it to build dramatic cinematic views to engage your users. Understand how to control the viewport in order to look at specific points on a map from particular angles and how to work with annotations in 3D. See how you can create snapshot of map views for flexibility and performance.

Speaker: Aroon Pahwa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site