WWDC 2012

An unofficial index of sessions from Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference held June 11 - 15, 2012 in San Franciso, California.

Apple announced OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) and iOS 6. This year SceneKit was introduced.

This site is not affiliated with Apple. All content is provided for informational purposes only.

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WWDC12 • Session keynote


Special Events • 1:54:00

WWDC 2012 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Craig Federighi, Scott Forstall, Phil Schiller

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WWDC12 • Session 101

Platforms Kickoff

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 1:18:02

WWDC 2012 Platforms Kickoff

Speakers: Eric Albert, Max Drukman, Ken Kocienda, Henri Lamiraux, Geoff Stahl, Andreas Wendker

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WWDC12 • Session 400

Developer Tools Kickoff

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 59:01

Xcode is the development environment for creating amazing Mac, iPhone, and iPad applications. Start the week by watching the Xcode and LLVM teams demonstrate the latest features, and enhanced workflows. This session is a great introduction to the many in-depth Developer Tools topics at WWDC 2012 and is a must-attend for all developers.

Speakers: Mike Ferris, Matt Firlik, Jon Hess, Ted Kremenek, Chris Lattner

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WWDC12 • Session 402

Working Efficiently with Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:24

Xcode delivers a wealth of features to help you be more productive than ever before. Join engineers from the Xcode team as they teach time-saving tips and demonstrate workflows geared toward the power user, to help you work faster and more efficiently.

Speakers: Brooke Callahan, Chris Hanson, Kelly Keenan

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WWDC12 • Session 404

Building from the Command Line with Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 50:28

New features in Xcode make it easier than ever for command line developers to manage powerful build configurations in both Terminal and the Xcode IDE. Discover how to adapt your makefile-based projects to use the latest LLVM compilers, switch effortlessly between installed toolsets, and learn best practices for building from the command line.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Daniel Dunbar

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WWDC12 • Session 405

Modern Objective-C

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 42:56

Objective-C is the language of choice for building great iOS and OS X apps. Dive deep into the latest advancements in Objective-C, learn how you can write more concise and less error-prone code, and find out about the advancements in Automatic Reference Counting.

Speaker: Patrick Beard

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WWDC12 • Session 406

Adopting Automatic Reference Counting

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 39:59

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) dramatically simplifies memory management in Objective-C. Learn how to move your project to LLVM and ARC so you can write less code and give your application great performance. A must-attend session for developers of all skill levels, on both OS X and iOS.

Speakers: Malcolm Crawford, Dave Zarzycki

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WWDC12 • Session 407

Adopting Storyboards in Your App

Developer Tools • iOS • 48:04

Storyboards in iOS make designing your application much faster and easier. Storyboards allow you to graphically arrange all your application's views within a single Xcode design canvas, where you can then define the logical flow and even assign transition animations. Learn how to use Storyboards to quickly go from concept to a fully functional iOS application.

Speakers: Joshua Pennington, Tony Ricciardi

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WWDC12 • Session 408

Working with Schemes and Projects in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:46

Xcode 4 introduced schemes: a powerful way to control how you build, debug, test, analyze, profile, and deploy your application. Discover how to efficiently test your project, get a greater understanding of the Xcode build system, learn to use static libraries with iOS, and see how to configure your project for maximum productivity.

Speakers: Rick Ballard, Mirza Garibovic

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WWDC12 • Session 409

Learning Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:49

Instruments is Apple's premiere tool for analyzing the performance of iOS and OS X applications. Watch the experts reveal deep performance issues and explain the collected data. Learn critical skills that will help you find memory leaks, improve network efficiency, and display the smoothest graphics possible. A must-attend session for anyone looking to better use Instruments.

Speakers: Joe Grzywacz, Victor Hernandez, David O'Rourke

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WWDC12 • Session 410

What's New in LLVM

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:05

The Apple LLVM compiler has evolved at a staggering pace, providing remarkably quick compile times and generating lightning-fast code. Learn about the latest LLVM technologies from improvements in the Static Analyzer, to better performance and optimizations, to the latest advancements in C++ support.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Ted Kremenek, Bob Wilson

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WWDC12 • Session 411

Source Control Management in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 51:46

Xcode provides powerful ways to work directly with Git and Subversion repositories. Learn how Xcode's SCM features can help you work more efficiently with your team, juggle numerous development branches, find and fix bugs, and better understand the history of your code with the Version editor.

Speakers: Eric Dudiak, Kevin Lindeman

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WWDC12 • Session 412

Debugging in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 54:06

Xcode provides a powerful debugging interface and the new state-of-the-art LLDB debugger. Discover how you can better track the value of your variables, better debug multithreaded applications, and find and fix issues faster than ever. Join the Xcode engineering team for an in-depth look at the Xcode debugger and LLDB.

Speakers: Troy Koelling, Han-Ming Ong, Ken Orr, Alex Raftis

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WWDC12 • Session 413

Migrating to Modern Objective-C

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 35:23

Objective-C has evolved tremendously in recent years. In this tutorial-style session, learn how the latest features in Objective-C work together to dramatically reduce the amount of code you write, while simultaneously creating cleaner, safer, and better structured code.

Speaker: Malcolm Crawford

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WWDC12 • Session 414

Building, Archiving, and Submitting Your App

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 56:25

Xcode has significantly improved workflows to help you build, package, and prepare your application for distribution. Discover the best practices for handing your iOS and OS X application to beta testers, see how to validate your app bundle and submit it to the App Store, and get ready for Gatekeeper by learning how to sign your Mac application with Developer ID.

Speakers: Yevgeny Binder, Rob Marini, Itai Rom

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WWDC12 • Session 415

Debugging with LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:12

LLDB is the next-generation debugger for OS X and iOS. Get an introduction to using LLDB via the console interface and within Xcode's graphical debugger. The team that created LLDB will demonstrate the latest features and improvements, helping you track down bugs more efficiently than ever before.

Speaker: Greg Clayton

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WWDC12 • Session 700

The OS X App Sandbox

Core OS • OS X • 45:55

Discover how you can use App Sandbox to protect your app's users from unintentional bugs or deliberate attempts to compromise security. Understand sandboxing's security goals, how applications and their data are isolated from each other, and how to express the resources your application needs. Learn about new App Sandbox features in Mountain Lion and how to adopt them for your app to meet the Mac App Store Guidelines.

Speaker: Ivan Krstić

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WWDC12 • Session 701

iOS Accessories

Core OS • iOS • 46:10

iOS provides several services in which apps can interact with accessories and devices. Learn how to design accessories that deliver the best possible experience for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Learn about new wired and wireless technologies on iOS.

Speakers: Edwin Foo, Aarti Kumar, Peter Langenfeld

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WWDC12 • Session 702

Gatekeeper and Developer ID

Core OS • OS X • 54:59

Gatekeeper is a new security feature of Mountain Lion that helps give users greater assurance when they download software from places other than the Mac App Store. As part of the Mac Developer Program, Apple gives you a unique Developer ID for signing your software. Learn how to use this ID for signing your apps and packages, and how Gatekeeper uses these signatures to verify that a downloaded app is not known malware and that it hasn't been tampered with.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

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WWDC12 • Session 703

Core Bluetooth 101

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 50:29

The CoreBluetooth framework lets your iOS applications communicate with Bluetooth Low Energy devices over a personal area network (PAN). Learn about the Bluetooth LE technology and the APIs we provide for designing apps that connect to a Bluetooth LE peripheral and read, write, and request notification of changes to the characteristics of the peripheral.

Speakers: Craig Dooley, Brian Tucker

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WWDC12 • Session 704

The Security Framework

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 39:00

This session covers the Security framework technologies on both OS X and iOS. Learn about the Keychain, Secure Transport, certificate evaluation, crypto, and how apps can utilize these technologies.

Speaker: Dallas De Atley

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WWDC12 • Session 705

Advanced Core Bluetooth

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 43:52

In addition to providing services to iOS devices, Bluetooth LE peripherals can also use services provided by iOS devices. Learn how to advertise Bluetooth LE services in your iOS apps.

Speakers: Khrob Edmonds, Joakim Linde

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WWDC12 • Session 706

Networking Best Practices

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 44:50

iOS and OS X both provide a number of abstractions to simplify and demystify networking and its inherent complexity. This session covers these abstractions in detail—from a TCP connection to NSURLConnection—and explains best design practices to tune for performance and power.

Speaker: Josh Graessley

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WWDC12 • Session 707

Simplify Networking with Bonjour

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 46:04

Learn how your network applications and services on iOS, OS X and other platforms can use Bonjour to simplify your user experience. Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, is used by a wide range of products and applications for streamlined and reliable networking to easily publish, discover, and resolve network services.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Bill Hoppin, Rory McGuire

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WWDC12 • Session 708

The Accelerate Framework

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 46:22

The Accelerate framework contains signal and image processing, matrix and linear algebra computation, and now an optimized array-based math library for iOS. Find out how you can use the Accelerate framework to achieve dramatic improvements in performance and energy consumption.

Speakers: Geoff Belter, Luke Chang

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WWDC12 • Session 709

What's New In The Filesystem

Core OS • OS X • 58:26

Learn about recent changes to the OS X filesystem and find out what you need to know about FileVault 2, CoreStorage, extended attributes, and ExFAT. Hear about new APIs as well as which APIs are deprecated and understand how to use the filesystem APIs to optimize your code.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Soren Spies

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WWDC12 • Session 710

Privacy Support in iOS and OS X

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 43:39

Learn about new iOS and OS X privacy features and get details on new and updated APIs. Hear best practices for delivering great features and respecting your customers' privacy.

Speaker: Erik Neuenschwander

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WWDC12 • Session 711

Power Management

Core OS • OS X • 49:48

Mountain Lion includes several new power management behaviors that may affect the efficiency of your apps. Learn how to optimize your code for power use, how your code can influence system behavior, how to debug sleep/wake issues, and use existing tools to spot energy leaks.

Speakers: Ethan Bold, Soren Spies

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WWDC12 • Session 712

Asynchronous Design Patterns with Blocks, GCD, and XPC

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 55:57

Blocks, Grand Central Dispatch, and XPC form a powerful foundation for asynchronous processing and communication in your app. Dive into the basics around blocks, GCD, and XPC and learn about their improved integration with ARC. Discover the common design patterns used when writing asynchronous code to offload work from your main thread, perform IO in the background or send messages to other processes, and how to apply these same patterns to your own code.

Speakers: Daniel Steffen, Kevin Van Vechten

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WWDC12 • Session 714

Protecting the User's Data

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 46:16

Learn about "real world" threats to users' data on OS X and iOS. See practical demonstrations of how users' data can be attacked both on the device and over the network, and find out how to defend against these threats in your app.

Speakers: Michael Brouwer, Conrad Sauerwald, Andrew Whalley

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WWDC12 • Session 200

What's New in Cocoa Touch

Essentials • iOS • 46:23

iOS 6 introduces many enhancements to the Cocoa Touch frameworks that accelerate your development and improve your application's user experience. Get up to speed with new frameworks on iOS, and all the other new features that will help you write great applications.

Speaker: Chris Parker

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WWDC12 • Session 202

Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 54:12

If your application has a user interface, then this session is for you. iOS 6 adopts OS X Lion's powerful constraint-based layout engine, making it easy to design a flexible user interface that responds dynamically to layout changes such as rotation and varying status bar heights. This session will cover the basic concepts, IB support, and API you'll need to get started using auto layout.

Speaker: Marian Goldeen

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WWDC12 • Session 203

Accessibility for OS X

Essentials • OS X • 50:52

OS X has a long been a leader in accessibility with its wide variety of features and assistive technologies. Developing an accessible application can make it usable to users with varying abilities. Making your app accessible can open new markets, such as Government and Education, which sometimes require accessible software. Learn from the experts on best practices for developing accessible apps and hear about some of the common issues developers run into while supporting accessibility.

Speaker: Greg Hughes

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WWDC12 • Session 204

What's New in Cocoa

Essentials • OS X • 53:46

Cocoa frameworks give you high-level access to the underlying power of OS X. This session will give you a developer's eye overview of the Mountain Lion advances in AppKit, Foundation, and related frameworks, and will orient you for the other Cocoa sessions that cover these technologies in further detail. We will also cover the latest in best practices for developing state of the art applications for OS X.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC12 • Session 205

Introducing Collection Views

Essentials • iOS • 53:47

Creating dynamic and incredible interfaces is easy with collection views in iOS 6. Learn how to get started with collection views and see how to easily organize data in grid-like layouts using the built-in UICollectionViewFlowLayout class.

Speakers: Olivier Gutknecht, Luke Hiesterman

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WWDC12 • Session 206

Secure Automation Techniques in OS X

Essentials • OS X • 50:13

When it comes to securely automating your OS X system, there's good news, and then there's good news. The popular technologies of Automator, AppleScript, Terminal, and Services coexist well with the new security structures implemented in Mountain Lion. For scripters and developers, the automation tools continue to function brilliantly, with limited changes in their implementation. Be sure to attend this session to get the specifics on how each technology works with the new security sandbox and Gatekeeper.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Sal Soghoian

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WWDC12 • Session 208

Saving and Restoring Application State on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 1:01:52

Learn about the new application state restoration feature in iOS 6. This new feature makes it easier than ever to save the state of a running application and restore it on subsequent launches, improving the user experience over the course of the application's lifetime.

Speaker: Gordie Freedman

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WWDC12 • Session 209

iCloud Storage Overview

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 49:12

iCloud Storage enables apps to store documents and settings across iOS and OS X. Discover how iCloud Storage works, learn about the latest advancements in development and debugging for iCloud and the Key-Value Store, and learn how your app can use iCloud to store documents and settings today.

Speakers: Dallas De Atley, Eric Krugler

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WWDC12 • Session 210

Accessibility for iOS

Essentials • iOS • 46:28

iOS devices are incredibly popular for users with special needs. Learn how to take advantage of the accessibility APIs so that everyone is able to use your apps. Gain insight into the best practices for making your apps work with VoiceOver and how to integrate accessibility features into your apps. Come learn how to make even an interactive game (The NSZombie Apocalypse!) work well with VoiceOver.

Speaker: Chris Fleizach

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WWDC12 • Session 211

Building Concurrent User Interfaces on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 48:08

For a great user experience, it's essential to keep your application responsive while it renders complex UI elements and processes data. Learn how to use concurrency at the UIKit layer to perform drawing and other common operations without blocking user interaction.

Speaker: Andy Matuschak

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WWDC12 • Session 212

Basics+Habits: Building Your Software Projects To Last

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:26

All software projects start somewhere and evolve through the accumulation of your effort, changes in technology, bug fixing, and the addition of features you could not have foreseen when the project began. This session discusses this process and provides you with ideas which can help you build your software projects to last.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

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WWDC12 • Session 213

Introduction to High Resolution on OS X

Essentials • OS X • 48:51

Give your users the best experience by taking advantage of High Resolution on OS X. Learn how to move your applications to High Resolution, create crisp application assets, and find out how to avoid common pitfalls.

Speakers: Patrick Heynen, Dan Schimpf

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WWDC12 • Session 214

Core Data Best Practices

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 57:47

Core Data is a powerful framework on OS X and iOS for automatic persistence and object graph management. Master the techniques you need to get the most out of Core Data. Learn the best practices for working with nested managed object contexts, passing data between threads, and how to use Instruments to identify and fix performance bottlenecks in your app.

Speakers: Ben Trumbull, Melissa Turner

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WWDC12 • Session 215

Text and Linguistic Analysis

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 51:23

Many applications need to analyze or process the text that they are working with. With so many languages in the world this can be a daunting task. Learn how to process and analyze text in world-ready ways. See how to use the linguistic APIs offered on both iOS and OS X to iterate through text, evaluate regular expressions, and do linguistic analysis of the text you operate on.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Jennifer Moore

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WWDC12 • Session 216

Advanced Appearance Customization on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 55:38

Examine tips and tricks on how to customize UIKit controls. Learn best practices on how to create assets for customizing the appearance of your app and how other apps use the appearance proxy on iOS to create an immersive user experience.

Speakers: Scott Lopatin, Jacob Xiao

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WWDC12 • Session 217

Layer-Backed Views: AppKit + Core Animation

Essentials • OS X • 48:36

Learn how to effectively use layer-backed views in AppKit to get smooth animations and fast performance. See how to take advantage of new Mountain Lion enhancements added to NSView, especially for updating Core Animation layers.

Speaker: Corbin Dunn

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WWDC12 • Session 218

Using iCloud with UIDocument

Essentials • iOS • 54:06

UIDocument provides a powerful way to adopt iCloud Storage on iOS. Learn how UIDocument can help your document-based app more easily adopt iCloud Storage and understand the key concepts for working with documents and storage in iCloud.

Speaker: Luke Hiesterman

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WWDC12 • Session 219

Advanced Collection Views and Building Custom Layouts

Essentials • iOS • 54:43

Collection views in iOS 6 allow you to move beyond table views to create rich displays for ordered data. Dive deeper into the capabilities of collection views and learn how to write customized layouts that push the boundaries of interfaces in your applications.

Speakers: Olivier Gutknecht, Luke Hiesterman, Mathieu Martin

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WWDC12 • Session 220

Keyboard Input in iOS

Essentials • iOS • 29:23

Learn how to leverage what's new in iOS to improve the onscreen keyboard and text editing experience for your users. Make your app shine for users around the world with support for Asian languages, split and undocked keyboard interaction, rich text editing, and more.

Speakers: Justin Garcia, Morgan Winer

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WWDC12 • Session 221

iOS User Interface Design

Essentials • iOS • 57:51

Designing a great user interface is essential to the success of any iPhone or iPad app. Learn techniques to avoid common UI pitfalls and gain key insights into what it takes to create an app that is intuitive and beautiful.

Speaker: Mark Kawano

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WWDC12 • Session 222

Introduction to Attributed Strings for iOS

Essentials • iOS • 50:41

Text is an essential part of your application's interface. Get an introduction to the concepts behind manipulating and drawing attributed strings on iOS. Learn how UIKit has adopted attributed strings to make creating text effects even easier.

Speakers: Ian Baird, Johannes Fortmann, Aki Inoue

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WWDC12 • Session 223

Enhancing User Experience with Scroll Views

Essentials • iOS • 53:50

Scroll views can be used in many different ways to create familiar and immersive user experiences. Come see what's new with scroll views, learn how to present scrolling content in a page view controller, and even how to enhance your OpenGL games with scroll views.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer

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WWDC12 • Session 224

Using iCloud with NSDocument

Essentials • OS X • 45:45

NSDocument provides a powerful way to adopt iCloud Storage on OS X. Learn how NSDocument can help your document-based app more easily adopt iCloud. Dive into Auto Save, learn to work with versions, and understand the app-centric open panel and user workflows.

Speaker: Kevin Perry

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WWDC12 • Session 225

Up and Running: Making a Great Impression with Every Launch

Essentials • iOS • 45:32

Your application's launch is the first chance for your app to impress users. Learn how to use this time effectively to create the best possible user experience, while launching and configuring your application efficiently and consistently.

Speakers: Brandon Newendorp, Jim Turner

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WWDC12 • Session 226

Core Text and Fonts

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:38

Learn practical techniques on font and layout handling with Core Text in iOS and OS X. See how to address commonly encountered issues, increase your app's performance, and learn about font embedding and support.

Speaker: Ned Holbrook

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WWDC12 • Session 227

Using iCloud with Core Data

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:07

Core Data is a powerful way for your app to store data in iCloud. Dive into a step by step, real-world primer for adopting iCloud in your Core Data app, from configuring your persistent store for iCloud, to migrating existing content, and how to have your app behave throughout its lifecycle. A must attend session for any developer interested in Core Data and iCloud.

Speaker: Adam Swift

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WWDC12 • Session 228

Best Practices for Mastering Auto Layout

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 52:32

Learn advanced techniques for creating sophisticated and dynamic layouts in OS X and iOS apps using the auto layout system. You'll receive tons of useful examples, see "how we did that," and learn valuable best practices and debugging techniques. If you are new to auto layout, you might want to attend the Introduction to Auto Layout session first.

Speaker: Peter Ammon

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WWDC12 • Session 230

Advanced Attributed Strings for iOS

Essentials • iOS • 48:47

Dive deeper into advanced techniques when using attributed strings on iOS 6. Learn about kerning, ligatures, and other advanced typographical features of string drawing to create compelling text effects.

Speakers: Ian Baird, Johannes Fortmann

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WWDC12 • Session 231

What's New with Gestures

Essentials • OS X • 52:35

See what's new with gestures in AppKit. This includes new gestures for Quick Look and smart magnification, as well as new facilities for zooming and swiping. In addition, learn best practices to future proof your gesture implementation as AppKit continues to evolve.

Speaker: Raleigh Ledet

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WWDC12 • Session 232

Auto Layout by Example

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 56:22

Auto layout is a powerful constraint-based layout engine that can handle an amazing variety of user interfaces. This session pulls together API and technique to demonstrate how to build a wide range of interfaces. Learn how to construct common layout scenarios. From simple "button and text field" layouts all the way up to dynamic splitviews with interface elements that are dependent on each other, you will learn crucial skills to implement any type of user interface.

Speaker: Kevin Cathey

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WWDC12 • Session 233

Building Advanced Gesture Recognizers

Essentials • iOS • 50:29

Gestures are an integral part of the user experience on iOS. Learn key practices for controlling gesture interactions in your applications and avoiding common pitfalls. Tap into advanced techniques like curve smoothing and low-pass filters to create fun and intuitive interfaces in your apps.

Speakers: Andy Matuschak, Josh Shaffer

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WWDC12 • Session 234


Essentials • iOS • 45:24

AirPrint is the iOS printing system, a revolutionary printing architecture that makes printing easy for users and app developers. Learn all about AirPrint and best practices for adding printing to iOS apps.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Howard Miller, Todd Ritland

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WWDC12 • Session 235

iOS App Performance: Responsiveness

Essentials • iOS • 56:43

Creating an app that performs well is essential to making your users happy. Learn the techniques that will make your app launch faster, display graphics smoothly, and respond to the user immediately. A must attend session for all iOS developers.

Speakers: Tim Lee, Ben Nham

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WWDC12 • Session 236

The Evolution of View Controllers on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 54:23

View controllers are a key part of an iOS app's infrastructure. Learn how best to take advantage of these versatile objects by examining what problems they were invented to address, how they've matured over the past releases, and how to be best prepared for where they're going next.

Speakers: Matt Gamble, Bruce Nilo

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WWDC12 • Session 237

Advanced iCloud Document Storage

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 43:34

This is a practical session about writing applications that store files in iCloud but don't use AppKit and UIKit's convenient built-in document classes. Learn how apps that need to manage their own files and directories independently can take advantage of NSFileCoordinator and NSFilePresenter. See how your app can use the tips and techniques in this session to better integrate with iCloud.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

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WWDC12 • Session 238

iOS App Performance: Graphics and Animations

Essentials • iOS • 50:40

Users love apps with beautiful user interfaces that are fast and responsive. Discover how to make your animations smooth, learn how to draw more efficiently, and gain insight into the process of graphics optimization.

Speaker: Dan Crosby

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WWDC12 • Session 240

Polishing Your Interface Rotations

Essentials • iOS • 56:31

Go beyond the basics of rotations and learn best practices for getting maximum performance and smooth transitions between interface orientations. See when and how to use rasterization and snapshotting to create gliding animations, gain insight as to how the render server model works, and understand how some of the built-in apps on iOS get their visual effects.

Speakers: Andy Matuschak, Josh Shaffer

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WWDC12 • Session 241

Cocoa Interprocess Communication with XPC

Essentials • OS X • 51:10

New in Mountain Lion, NSXPCConnection and related API provide an Objective-C interface to the XPC system for interprocess communication. Discover how your objects and protocols work together with the API to provide an infrastructure that's easy to use in a Cocoa application or Foundation-based utility. Learn how you can factor your program into separate processes to make it more robust and more secure.

Speaker: Tony Parker

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WWDC12 • Session 242

iOS App Performance: Memory

Essentials • iOS • 51:09

Using memory responsibly can be the key to a great user experience for your iOS app. Get a detailed look at how virtual and real memory work on iOS, discover key ways in which the system handles memory pressure, and learn what you can do to use memory even more effectively. A must-attend session for all iOS developers.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Morgan Grainger

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WWDC12 • Session 243

iPhoto for iOS: UI Progression and Animation Design

Essentials • iOS • 56:27

iPhoto for iOS incorporates a number of innovative UI design ideas and interesting animations. See how some of these came into being, as well as some of the tricks used to bring the interface to life through animation.

Speakers: Sam Roberts, Randy Ubillos

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WWDC12 • Session 244

Internationalization Tips and Tricks

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:26

With users spread all around the globe, it's more important than ever to pay attention to how they expect to see information in your apps. Formatting currency and dates in the user's preferred way can make the difference between a frustrating experience and a great app. Handling different locales properly doesn't take a lot of work and can broaden the reach of your application. Come see how you can add an international flair to your app today.

Speaker: Dave DeLong

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WWDC12 • Session 245

Advanced Tips and Tricks for High Resolution on OS X

Essentials • OS X • 1:01:55

Dive deeper into making your apps stunning for high resolution on OS X. Learn how to work with OpenGL surfaces and bitmaps, handle custom layer trees, set up notifications for resolution changes, and examine how to get great performance when laying out different types of content onscreen in a high resolution environment.

Speakers: Chris Dreessen, Patrick Heynen, Aki Inoue, Dan Schimpf

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WWDC12 • Session 500

Game Technologies Kickoff

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 51:03

iOS and OS X deliver an incredible lineup of technologies for developing cutting-edge games. Join your fellow game developers in kicking off the games sessions of WWDC 2012 and explore the powerful frameworks that enable you to create the most imaginative games possible. Dive into the multiplayer capabilities of Game Center, check out the shared experience of AirPlay, discover the incredible effects of Core Image, and much more.

Speakers: Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, Joe Gatling, Geoff Stahl, Adam Wood

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WWDC12 • Session 501

Publishing with the iBookstore

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 56:27

With stores in more than 32 countries and support for several different types of book content, the iBookstore provides a unique opportunity for anyone who has a story to tell. See how to sign up as a bookseller on the iBookstore, and get an overview of the tools and technologies available to create books. Gain a deep understanding of the book delivery process and master the tools needed to submit and manage your book, such as iTunes Connect for booksellers and iTunes Producer. Discover best practices for delivering a high-quality book, learn to avoid common pitfalls of book delivery, get tips for growing your business in the iBookstore, and learn about Apple resources that are available to help.

Speakers: Alan Cannistraro, Kristi Gillis, Ryan Lynch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 502

Effective HTTP Live Streaming

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 41:03

Designed for mobility, HTTP live streaming dynamically adjusts playback quality to match the available speed of wired or wireless networks. Gain a practical understanding of how HTTP live streams are made. Learn best practices for constructing and testing your HTTP live streams.

Speakers: Roger Pantos, Eryk Vershen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 503

Building Books with iBooks Author

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 1:00:43

iBooks Author lets you use a drag-and-drop interface to create rich and immersive books for the iBookstore. Discover best practices for book design and asset preparation, and learn how to use the iBooks Author interface efficiently to develop your book. See how to enhance your book with rich media such as audio, video, and animations. Find out how to incorporate advanced interactive components such as web widgets and 3D models, and get tips for testing your book before submitting it to the iBookstore.

Speaker: Charles Migos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 504

Introducing Scene Kit

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 45:57

OS X Mountain Lion introduces Scene Kit, a high-level graphics framework enabling your apps to efficiently load, manipulate, and render 3D scenes. Gain an understanding of the Scene Kit architecture and see how easily its capabilities can be applied to a variety of application genres. Learn the objects that define the 3D scene, see how to apply animation, and discover how to use Scene Kit with related OS X technologies such as AppKit, Core Animation, and OpenGL.

Speakers: Amaury Balliet, Aymeric Bard, Thomas Goossens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 505

Audio Session and Multiroute Audio in iOS

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 55:37

iOS provides a powerful engine for playing, recording, and processing audio in your applications for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Learn how to deliver multiple streams of audio from your application. Gain a thorough understanding of the new capabilities in audio session management.

Speakers: Bill Stewart, Harry Tormey, Torrey Walker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 506

Optimizing 2D Graphics and Animation Performance

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 49:10

Quartz 2D and Core Animation provide professional-strength graphics features and the layer-based animation system that powers the user experience of iOS and OS X. Walk through the process of optimizing a drawing app to take advantage of the Retina display while maintaining peak performance. Learn about enhancements that accelerate Quartz 2D and enable efficient screen capture.

Speakers: Mike Funk, Tim Oriol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 508

What's New in Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 44:43

iOS and OS X games can take advantage of Game Center, Apple's social gaming network. Get an overview of Game Center support for OS X Mountain Lion and learn all about new features in iOS 6. Learn how game groups enable related games to play together and share scores and achievements. See enhancements to the Game Center user interface, discover new capabilities for adding more friends, and tap into the competitive back-and-forth of challenges.

Speaker: Jeff Watkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 509

Building Interactive Books with EPUB 3 and JavaScript

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 53:30

See how to combine EPUB with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to deliver novels, picture books, and interactive books on the iBookstore. Get a quick review of the new EPUB 3 format, then dive deep into the latest features that let you add interactivity to your book by using JavaScript. See how to create fun and engaging books that support drag, toggle, and stamp, and learn to play sounds and activate animations at key times. Understand best practices for developing your scripts, get tips for improving performance, and discover tools that will streamline your interactive EPUB book development.

Speakers: Casey Dougherty, Jonathan Ng, Alejandro Rodriguez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 510

Getting Started with Core Image

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 53:02

Core Image lets you create incredible visual effects in your photo and video apps on iOS and OS X. Get introduced to the capabilities of Core Image and the sophisticated effects you can build using built-in filters. Learn recommended practices for using Core Image efficiently and see how to harness its powerful features.

Speakers: David Hayward, Alexandre Naaman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 511

Core Image Techniques

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 1:00:58

Dive deep into the integration of Core Image with related graphics, media, and game technologies in iOS. See how to take advantage of the optimized pipeline from AV Foundation to Core Image and discover how Core Image can provide stunning visual effects in OpenGL ES games.

Speakers: Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, David Hayward, Chendi Zhang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 512

What's New in HTTP Live Streaming

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 57:48

HTTP live streaming lets you send live or pre-recorded audio and video to iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Mac using an ordinary web server. Learn how to add subtitles to your HTTP live streams. Get details about other new features and learn more best practices around HTTP live streams.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 513

Advances in OpenGL and OpenGL ES

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 58:28

OpenGL and OpenGL ES are the foundation for hardware-accelerated graphics in OS X and iOS. Find out how to harness innovations in iOS 6 for fast geometry updates, streaming textures, and advanced blending. Learn about the GLKit framework and see how your apps can leverage its built-in features and effects. Understand how to update your apps for high-resolution displays on both iOS and OS X, and hear specific tips and best practices to follow in your apps.

Speakers: Chris Niederauer, Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 514

OpenGL ES Tools and Techniques

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 42:08

The iOS SDK includes powerful tools for analyzing the behavior and optimizing the performance of OpenGL ES apps. Learn key practices to identify bottlenecks, find rendering errors, tune performance hot-spots, and maintain high frame rates. See how the tools can pinpoint problems for you and even provide specific advice for the best way to correct them.

Speakers: Michael Mayers, Seth Sowerby

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 515

HTML, CSS, and DOM for Book Authors

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 38:35

If you want to bring your creativity, passion, and technical expertise to the iBookstore, it may seem like there's a vast array of web technologies to master. Gain a solid understanding of the HTML, CSS, and DOM technologies that are most relevant to book development, whether you're creating a book with EPUB or building a custom widget for iBooks Author. See how to create beautiful text that is always laid out perfectly, gain a deep understanding of CSS positioning to create exceptional fixed-layout books, find out how to enrich your content with CSS animations, and learn which DOM operations are critical to adding enhancements with ease.

Speakers: Edward O'Connor, Adele Peterson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 516

Integrating Your Games with Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 56:46

Competition and reward is central to the social gaming experience. See how to adopt Game Center in your games and learn how easily you can integrate leaderboards and achievements. Dive deeper into challenges to enhance competition among friends in any game. Explore the details of game groups and see exactly how to share Game Center data between related games — free and paid, standard and HD, iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Megan Gardner, Dan Kurtz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 517

Real-Time Media Effects and Processing during Playback

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 50:37

Learn new ways to customize media playback using AV Foundation in both OS X and iOS. Explore how to synchronize video media with audio synthesis, achieve realtime audio processing from audiovisual media, and integrate AV Foundation's hardware accelerated media decode and display with your own custom media transport. Learn how to perform realtime video effects processing and how to use video media to texture 3D OpenGL environments.

Speaker: Simon Goldrei

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 518

Improving Accessibility in Books

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 54:30

Books are for everyone. Get an overview of the accessibility concerns facing readers on iOS and learn which components of your book can automatically leverage built-in accessibility features such as VoiceOver. Learn how to enhance rich media such as images or video for readers with visual impairments and explore how to improve the accessibility of custom HTML widgets with WAI-ARIA roles and attributes.

Speakers: Jason Barry, James Craig

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 519

Multiplayer Gaming with Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 48:20

Multiplayer games provide the ultimate challenge and have created one of the most compelling genres in the App Store. See how Game Center is taking gaming on iOS a step further with the addition of local multiplayer support. Learn about improvements to the turn-based and online multiplayer APIs and new capabilities for sending invites and having a re-match.

Speaker: Christy Warren

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 520

What's New in Camera Capture

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 1:01:01

AV Foundation provides your application with full programmatic access to video and still images from the built-in cameras. Hear about improvements that simplify and speed up your applications. Learn key practices for debugging performance issues, correlating frames with camera motion, and the proper use of AVCaptureSession.

Speakers: Brad Ford, Ethan Tira-Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 521

Building Game Center Games for OS X

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 55:10

Game Center on OS X enables Mac users to compete with friends and fellow game players around the world, sharing the same social gaming network with iOS. Get a course of action for bringing Game Center games to OS X Mountain Lion and learn the best strategies for developing games that target both iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Gabriel Belinsky, Norman Wang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 522

Adopting OpenCL in Your Application

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 54:11

OpenCL dramatically accelerates computationally intensive tasks by letting your application tap into the vast computing power of modern GPUs and multicore CPUs. Understand the OpenCL architecture and get all the details about OpenCL features in OS X Mountain Lion. See how auto-vectorization makes it easy for more apps to adopt OpenCL and gain specific insight into tuning your code for optimum performance.

Speakers: Eric Bainville, Sion Berkowits, Anna Tikhonova, Russell Williams

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 523

Best Practices for Color Management

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 58:57

OS X uses advanced standards-based color management techniques to ensure that images, graphics, and video always look great on screen and on paper. See how ColorSync, Quartz, and AV Foundation can automatically color match digital media in your application. Learn color management best practices.

Speakers: Ken Greenebaum, Luke Wallis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 524

Understanding Core Motion

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 42:15

Core Motion fuses data from built-in sensors to determine precisely how your iOS device is oriented and moving in 3D space. Walk through the features and capabilities of Core Motion to understand common use cases and recommended best practices. See how you can create incredibly immersive experiences for games, augmented reality, and much more.

Speaker: Andy Pham

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 300

Getting Around Using Map Kit

App Services • iOS • 46:44

Map Kit allows you to embed standard or customized maps directly in your application. Now Map Kit lets you leverage Apple's beautiful new vector based Maps. Come learn how to integrate your app with the built in Maps application.

Speaker: Brady Law

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 301

Introducing Passbook, Part 1

App Services • iOS • 56:20

Passbook is an exciting new way for users to quickly access scannable barcodes and other information useful for real-world actions, such as boarding a flight, entering a show, or redeeming a coupon. Learn how you can easily create passes and push them to the Passbook app.

Speakers: Ken Ferry, Glen Steele

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 302

Selling Products with Store Kit

App Services • iOS, OS X • 47:05

In-App Purchase has proven to be a tremendous way to sell products, services, and subscriptions directly inside your app. With new support for selling products that are hosted securely by Apple, you have even more options for how to deliver your content to users in a highly scalable fashion. See how you can even sell other products like music, movies, books, and apps without the user even leaving your application.

Speaker: Daniel Feldman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 303

Staying on Track with Location Services

App Services • iOS, OS X • 50:55

Location Services provides a variety of services to know where you are, where you're headed, and when you've arrived. Come hear details about improvements to the CoreLocation framework in iOS and exciting new additions in OS X. Learn tips to let you get the most out of the framework in a power-efficient and user friendly way.

Speakers: Jay Bruins, Mike Dal Santo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 304

Events and Reminders in Event Kit

App Services • iOS, OS X • 50:04

Event Kit provides access to users' Calendar Events and now allows access to Reminders as well, on both iOS and OS X. Be sure to pencil this session in to hear from the experts on how to fetch and write Calendar Events and Reminders, and how to make the best use of the Event Kit framework.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Jeffrey Harris, Matt Lanter, Aaron Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 305

What's New in iTunes Connect for App Developers

App Services • iOS, OS X • 51:21

The App Store has over 600,000 applications and they all got there by going through iTunes Connect. Come see what's new in iTunes Connect and Application Loader for app developers. Get detailed information about new Game Center and In-App Purchase support. Hear tips and tricks to avoid app review issues, learn about updates to iTunes Connect Mobile, and much more.

Speakers: Aloke Bhatnagar, Ricardo Cortes, Jason Fosback, Dave Makower, Dave Van Tassell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 306

Integrating With Facebook, Twitter and Sina Weibo

App Services • iOS, OS X • 49:45

The new Social framework and sharing features in both iOS and OS X provides integration with Facebook, Twitter, and Sina Weibo. Single Sign On support built into the OS makes it easier than ever to take advantage of APIs provided by these social networks. Learn how to share diverse types of information using the built-in share sheet that supplies an easy to use and consistent interface for the integrated social networking services.

Speakers: Lestat Ali, Kalle Haglunds, Julien Robert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 307

Building Great Newsstand Apps

App Services • iOS • 41:45

Newsstand is the best way to provide periodical content to iOS users. With automatic background downloading, integration with auto-renewable subscriptions and simple content management users love the apps on their Newsstand shelves. Gain insights into best practices for building a great Newsstand application and learn how to avoid some of the common pitfalls.

Speakers: Karl Good, Aubrey Ness, Ben Nielsen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 308

Managing Subscriptions with In-App Purchase

App Services • iOS • 48:57

Selling subscriptions to content and services has never been easier than with In-App Purchase. Understand what each subscription type is, what you can use them for and gain insight into how to best manage your subscriptions in iTunes Connect. Learn from the experts on how making changes to your subscriptions are seen by users and how they affect things like renewals and restoring transactions to devices.

Speakers: Aubrey Ness, David Neumann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 309

Introducing Passbook, Part 2

App Services • iOS • 58:24

Passbook passes can be updated dynamically, ensuring your users always have the most recent information. Building on the basics covered in Introducing Passbook, come to this session to see how you can add new passes and access your application's passes using the PassKit framework. Learn what you need to do on your server to support updating your passes automatically using push notifications.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Ken Ferry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 311

Building and Distributing Custom B2B Apps for iOS

App Services • iOS • 42:43

Custom B2B apps can be built to address a unique business need, integrate with a unique back-office environment, or deliver a custom interface for your business customer. Custom B2B apps can be published privately through iTunes Connect to business customers who are enrolled in the App Store Volume Purchase Program for Business. Learn how Custom B2B apps can be developed for businesses of all sizes and easily distributed to users.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Dave Rahardja

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 600

Debugging UIWebViews and Websites on iOS

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 41:19

The Web Inspector from Safari on OS X is now available for websites and UIWebViews on iOS, and it has a sleek new interface. See how to connect the Web Inspector to your iPhone or iPad to develop, debug, profile, and optimize the web content on your site or in your native app. Get an overview of what the Web Inspector can do, discover new features, and learn best practices to utilize this set of tools efficiently.

Speaker: Tim Hatcher

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 601

Optimizing Web Content in UIWebViews and Websites on iOS

Safari and Web • iOS • 52:26

Learn the best practices for enhancing the functionality and performance of your web content on iOS, whether it is in a website or native app. Gain proficiency with the remote Web Inspector, see how to reduce the overall memory footprint of your web content, and dive deep into the details of WebKit drawing and compositing to ensure that scrolling and animations are always smooth. Discover new features in iOS 6 that allow for tighter integration between apps and websites, enabling deep linking to content within an already-installed app or letting users purchase an app with just a few taps.

Speakers: Paul Knight, Joseph Pecoraro

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 602

Delivering Web Content on High Resolution Displays

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 58:14

Your web content should always look sharp, regardless of the display it is viewed on. Come and see how to deliver pixel-perfect web interfaces on high resolution displays for books, websites, and apps on iOS and OS X. Learn different ways to fetch and display high-resolution image assets only when they're needed and see how to use technologies like CSS and SVG to create scalable graphics that can replace traditional images. Discover advantages of different optimization techniques and gain a deeper understanding of the right approach for your web content.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 603

Tools, Services, and APIs for iTunes Affiliate Program Marketing

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 44:34

The iTunes affiliate program offers a number of powerful tools which you can use to add rich media and promotional links within your app or on the web. Start with an overview of the iTunes affiliate program and see how simple it is to get started linking to iTunes content. Dive deeper and learn how to use the advanced APIs and Services like Search, EPF, LinkMaker, and Web iMix to quickly and easily link to relevant content from the iTunes store.

Speakers: Ted Hosmann, Mark Miller

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 604

Advanced Effects with HTML5 Media Technologies

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 46:56

Go beyond play, pause, and seek. Come and see how the latest HTML5 audio and video technologies can enrich the web content in your website, app, or book. Discover the Web Audio API to process and synthesize audio, find out how to synchronize the playback of several pieces of media, get tips for combining your media with CSS effects, and more.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 605

Producing Rich Media Advertisements for iAd

Safari and Web • iOS • 48:06

Learn to create immersive, interactive, rich media ads for iAd that deliver a unique customer experience on iOS. Get an overview of iAd Producer, a drag-and-drop authoring tool that makes it easy to create visually stunning ads without writing a single line of code. Dive deep into the iAd JS JavaScript framework and learn how it can be used within iAd Producer to add custom functionality or to independently create a stunning ad from the ground up. Gain insight into the entire ad production process including debugging, testing, and best practices for optimized performance.

Speakers: Chi Wai Lau, Scott Stevenson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site