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ID of session: wwdc2011-516
ID of event: wwdc2011
ID of session without event part: 516
Shortened ID of event: wwdc11
Year of session: 2011
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2011] [Session 516] Understandi...

WWDC11 • Session 516

Understanding Layout and Gestures in Safari on iOS and Lion

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 50:12

Safari on iOS was the first browser to deliver web content that responded to gestures such as panning, double-tapping, and pinching. Now, many of the basic principles behind gesture-friendly layout and gesture recognition have been carried over to Safari on Mac OS X Lion. See how to make web content that already looks great even better by learning the concepts behind gesture-enabled web layout. Understand how scrollable content and fixed positioning works in zoom-able interfaces, learn best practices for handling overlay scrollbars, discover optimization that speed up back-forward navigation, and more.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

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HD Video (310.1 MB)