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If you have access to video files, you can configure a URL pattern to be used in a video player.

URL pattern


Use any of these variables in your URL pattern, the pattern is stored in your browsers' local storage.

ID of session: wwdc2011-302
ID of event: wwdc2011
ID of session without event part: 302
Shortened ID of event: wwdc11
Year of session: 2011
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2011] [Session 302] Using Inter...

WWDC11 • Session 302

Using Interface Builder in Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:43

Xcode 4 seamlessly integrates Interface Builder within the IDE. Learn how you can use this integration to work more efficiently than ever before. Discover how Interface Builder in Xcode 4 makes it easy to visually design your user interface and create connections to your code.

Speakers: Kevin Cathey, Joey Hagedorn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

HD Video (885 MB)