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ID of session: wwdc2011-136
ID of event: wwdc2011
ID of session without event part: 136
Shortened ID of event: wwdc11
Year of session: 2011
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2011] [Session 136] Latent Sema...

WWDC11 • Session 136

Latent Semantic Mapping: Exposing the Meaning behind Words and Documents

App Frameworks • OS X • 45:11

Latent Semantic Mapping (LSM) is the powerful engine behind such Mac OS X features as the Junk Mail Filter, Parental Controls, Kanji Text Input, and in Lion, a more helpful Help. This session will explain how you can use LSM to make your own documents easier for your users to find, to sort, to filter, to classify, and to retrieve. Learn how to use this valuable framework and the LSM command-line tool. Gain an understanding of the major concepts behind the API, see the types of problems it can address in your application, and learn best practices for achieving robust performance.

Speakers: Jerome Bellegarda, Matthias Neeracher, Kim Silverman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

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HD Video (293 MB)