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ID of session: wwdc2011-115
ID of event: wwdc2011
ID of session without event part: 115
Shortened ID of event: wwdc11
Year of session: 2011
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2011] [Session 115] Scrolling, ...

WWDC11 • Session 115

Scrolling, Swiping, Dragging: Now with more animation!

App Frameworks • OS X • 59:05

Scrolling and drag and drop have undergone major improvements in Lion. Get introduced to the new scrolling behavior and learn why up is now down, and down is now up. Discover the new scroll wheel event properties providing a wealth of new information about each scroll event. Learn how to customize scrolling in NSScrollView such as setting a custom background for rubber-banding and setting which axis are allowed to rubber-band. Learn how to track scrolling to perform a fluid swipe animation of your content while playing nice with rubber-banding. No longer be a passive observer of drag and drop. Learn how and when to actively participate by changing the drag images in flight.

Speakers: Raleigh Ledet, Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

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HD Video (408.9 MB)