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ID of session: wwdc2010-416
ID of event: wwdc2010
ID of session without event part: 416
Shortened ID of event: wwdc10
Year of session: 2010
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2010] [Session 416] Harnessing ...

WWDC10 • Session 416

Harnessing OpenCL in Your Application

Graphics & Media • OS X • 1:03:11

OpenCL is a groundbreaking technology that lets your application tap into the vast computing power of modern graphics processors and multicore CPUs. Understand the OpenCL architecture, its approachable C-based language, and its powerful API for managing parallel computations. Discover how to refactor your application code to unleash the full computational capabilities of the Mac OS X platform.

Speakers: Ian Ollmann, Abe Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

HD Video (187.8 MB)