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ID of session: wwdc2010-118
ID of event: wwdc2010
ID of session without event part: 118
Shortened ID of event: wwdc10
Year of session: 2010
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2010] [Session 118] Mastering C...

WWDC10 • Session 118

Mastering Core Data

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 54:04

Core Data contains a vast set of advanced features to help you better manage your data and evolve your application over time. Master the techniques for working with data in your application, from being more efficient to doing more in the database and changing how you store your data over time. Take your Core Data knowledge to the next level.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Adam Swift

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

HD Video (120.4 MB)