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ID of session: wwdc2010-105
ID of event: wwdc2010
ID of session without event part: 105
Shortened ID of event: wwdc10
Year of session: 2010
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2010] [Session 105] Adopting Mu...

WWDC10 • Session 105

Adopting Multitasking on iPhone OS, Part 1

Frameworks • iOS • 57:41

Multitasking in iOS 4 allows applications to perform key tasks in the background while preserving battery life and performance. Discover how your app can take advantage of multitasking and learn how easy it is to adopt. Gain advanced insight on how to make your app take advantage of the seven multitasking services in order to provide the best user experience. This is the first part of a two-part series.

Speakers: David Goodwin, Dave Myszewski

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

HD Video (229.4 MB)