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ID of session: wwdc2009-617
ID of event: wwdc2009
ID of session without event part: 617
Shortened ID of event: wwdc09
Year of session: 2009
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2009] [Session 617] Deploying M...

WWDC09 • Session 617

Deploying Mobile Access Server

iPhone • 36:08

Secure remote access to your business network has never been more critical than in today's increasingly mobile world. The Mobile Access Server provides a path through a corporate firewall for IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, and CalDAV without using VPN. Learn about the features of, and deployment tips for, this powerful new service in Snow Leopard Server.

Speakers: Steve Cervera, Al Begley, John Murata, Greg Vaughan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

SD Video (80.6 MB)