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ID of session: wwdc2009-607
ID of event: wwdc2009
ID of session without event part: 607
Shortened ID of event: wwdc09
Year of session: 2009
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2009] [Session 607] Using Servi...

WWDC09 • Session 607

Using Services in Snow Leopard for Scripting IT Tasks

Mac • 45:55

The power of IT is expressed not only in the management of systems, but in enabling others to do their jobs smoothly and efficiently. The dramatically redesigned Services architecture in Snow Leopard lets you put management tools at the and point-of-need and where staff and managers require them the most. Join the experts as they demonstrate Services integration strategies involving a range of standard computer languages and applications.

Speakers: Sal Soghoian, Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

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SD Video (167.9 MB)