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ID of session: wwdc2009-126
ID of event: wwdc2009
ID of session without event part: 126
Shortened ID of event: wwdc09
Year of session: 2009
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2009] [Session 126] Enabling Yo...

WWDC09 • Session 126

Enabling Your Mac Applications for Assistive Technologies

Mac • 1:06:43

Mac OS X includes VoiceOver, a screen access technology for blind and low vision users that translates your graphical Mac application into an interactive, descriptive, spoken audio experience. Introduce yourself to the amazing capabilities of VoiceOver and learn how to implement the Accessibility APIs. Learn how just a few modifications can make a shipping application accessible.

Speakers: Eric Seymour, David Tseng, Patti Hoa, Greg Hughes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

SD Video (206 MB)