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ID of session: wwdc2008-936
ID of event: wwdc2008
ID of session without event part: 936
Shortened ID of event: wwdc08
Year of session: 2008
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2008] [Session 936] Intel's Mul...

WWDC08 • Session 936

Intel's Multi-Core Software Vision

Tools • 52:51

A software revolution is underway, triggered by the shift to multi-core hardware architectures. Software capable of running tasks in parallel has become critical for scalability across multi-core systems. Intel's James Reinders, Chief software Evangelist and Director with Intel Software Products, will share tips and lessons learned through open-sourcing Intel Threading Building Blocks.

Speaker: James Reinders

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

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SD Video (644 MB)