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ID of session: wwdc2008-551
ID of event: wwdc2008
ID of session without event part: 551
Shortened ID of event: wwdc08
Year of session: 2008
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2008] [Session 551] Providing U...

WWDC08 • Session 551

Providing User Assistance with Apple Help

Integration • 49:07

Providing quick and clear assistance to Mac users is critical to a quality user experience. Be the first to hear about major upcoming features in Apple Help, the HTML-based help system for Mac OS X applications. You'll find out how to build Apple Help into your application and learn about topic lists, improved indexing, and integrated network search results. Additionally, get the details on the brand new format for Apple Help books, indexes, and metadata.

Speakers: Nick Kocharhook, Daniel Feldman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

SD Video (586.2 MB)