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ID of session: wwdc2008-326
ID of event: wwdc2008
ID of session without event part: 326
Shortened ID of event: wwdc08
Year of session: 2008
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2008] [Session 326] Application...

WWDC08 • Session 326

Application Accessibility

Essentials • 1:08:09

Apple's commitment to accessibility is rooted in the Mac's legendary ease of use and is enhanced by the Universal Access features in Mac OS X. Accessibility has evolved from a good idea to an essential component of competitive applications. By access enabling your Mac OS X application, you make it more attractive to a wider range of markets. Learn how to implement the Accessibility APIs and how to use test techniques and verification tools to design applications that meet the common government accessibility requirements. This session also covers Instruments profiling and Automator support to further improve your applications.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Dean Hudson, Karl Schramm

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

SD Video (592.4 MB)