WWDC 2008

An unofficial index of sessions from Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference held June 9 - 13, 2008 in San Franciso, California.

Apple announced Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6), iPhone OS 2.0, the iPhone SDK and App Store.

This site is not affiliated with Apple. All content is provided for informational purposes only.

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WWDC08 • Session 100

Introduction to Mac and iPhone Development

Getting Started • 55:14

This session is designed for experienced developers who are new to Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Learn the fundamentals of the Mac OS X architecture and what makes a great Mac or iPhone application. Benefit from an orientation that will prepare you for further learning in the sessions on frameworks, APIs, and tools. Whether you are interested in creating applications for the growing Mac platform or mobile applications for iPhone and iPod touch, this is a must-attend session.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Larry Coopet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 101

Getting Started with Mac OS X Administration

Getting Started • 1:19:54

Whether you're new to deploying Mac OS X or just need a refresher, learn why Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server are as easy to manage as they are to use. Discover a wealth of management tools and services that are at your disposal, explore management features unique to Mac OS X, and learn how the administration expertise you've already gained managing other platforms translates to Mac OS X management.

Speakers: Brian Loose, Jason Deraleau

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WWDC08 • Session 102

Integrating Your Organization's First Macs

Getting Started • 1:10:04

What strategies do you need to support your boss or a highly placed executive who requests that Macs be considered first-class citizens in your IT environment? Learn how to create a migration plan, prepare your users for the transition and handle technical integration issues from sysadmins who've managed both targeted and wholesale Mac transitions.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, Ian Kelly, Brendan Langoulant

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WWDC08 • Session 105

Publishing on the App Store

Getting Started • 1:04:17

Understand how to publish your finished application on the App Store to reach every iPhone and iPod touch user.

Speakers: Max Muller, Ricardo Cortes, Elizabeth d'Errico

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WWDC08 • Session 300

Mac OS X State of the Union

Essentials • 1:14:15

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, John Stauffer

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WWDC08 • Session 312

iPhone Application Development Fundamentals

Essentials • 59:02

The iPhone SDK contains the code, information, and tools you need to develop applications for the iPhone OS. Learn how to take advantage of these resources to build your first iPhone application.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 313

Getting Started with Web Development for Safari on iPhone

Essentials • 50:48

Safari on iPhone has revolutionized the way people browse the Web on mobile devices. In this session you'll learn straightforward techniques to optimize your web content for iPhone, and discover the building blocks you need to create full-featured iPhone web applications.

Speakers: Richard Williamson, Chris Blumenberg

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WWDC08 • Session 314

Java and WebObjects Overview

Essentials • 56:45

Java and WebObjects are proven technologies used by small businesses and enterprises around the world, including Apple. Come see how Mac OS X helps you develop and deliver cross-platform Java applications and deployments. Learn what sets Java on the Mac apart as we tour the world of development, testing, polish, and deployment.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, Tom O'Brien, Pierre Frisch, Daryl Lee

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WWDC08 • Session 324

iPhone for Mac Developers

Essentials • 58:34

Cocoa Touch uses many of the same fundamental technologies and design patterns as Cocoa for Mac OS X. Discover how you can make the most of your experience with Cocoa for Mac OS X when you start developing for iPhone.

Speaker: Corbin Dunn

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WWDC08 • Session 325

Safari and WebKit Overview: Features, Enhancements, and Open Source Development

Essentials • 58:29

WebKit is a full-featured, open source, standards-based layout engine that powers the Safari web browser and other native applications on a variety of platforms. Discover the ongoing performance enhancements and advanced features that have been implemented in WebKit. Learn how WebKit fits into the Mac OS X system architecture, how WebKit development relates to Safari on iPhone and the desktop, and how to get involved with the WebKit Open Source community. This session is essential for anyone interested in web technology at WWDC.

Speakers: Darin Adler, Mark Rowe, Maciej Stachowiak

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WWDC08 • Session 326

Application Accessibility

Essentials • 1:08:09

Apple's commitment to accessibility is rooted in the Mac's legendary ease of use and is enhanced by the Universal Access features in Mac OS X. Accessibility has evolved from a good idea to an essential component of competitive applications. By access enabling your Mac OS X application, you make it more attractive to a wider range of markets. Learn how to implement the Accessibility APIs and how to use test techniques and verification tools to design applications that meet the common government accessibility requirements. This session also covers Instruments profiling and Automator support to further improve your applications.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Dean Hudson, Karl Schramm

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WWDC08 • Session 327

Building Great Java Applications on Mac OS X Leopard

Essentials • 1:07:00

Leopard brings many enhancements to Java for Mac OS X, including 64-bit support and deep system integration. Discover the features and tools that make the Mac an ideal choice for cross-platform application development. Find out how to use native Mac OS X controls and incorporate Mac desktop features, making your application shine while using industry-standard Java practices and techniques.

Speakers: Mike Swingler, Pratik Solanki, Scott Kovatch, Ken Russell

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WWDC08 • Session 328

Networking with Bonjour

Essentials • 51:25

Bonjour is a key networking technology used in all of Apple's network products, from iMacs and MacBooks to AirPort Extreme, Apple TV and iPhone. Come find out how to use the Bonjour APIs to make your network application work with Back to My Mac and how to use the Bonjour APIs on iPhone and iPod touch to make amazing handheld network applications.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Rory McGuire, Craig Keithley

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WWDC08 • Session 337

Understanding iPhone View Controllers

Essentials • 52:21

View controllers--including navigation and tab controllers--play a fundamental role in the architecture of most iPhone applications. Learn what view controllers are, how to use them, and why they are important to your application.

Speakers: Evan Doll, Alex Aybes

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WWDC08 • Session 338

Mac OS X 64-bit Kernel: Architecture and Kernel Extension Transition

Essentials • 47:37

Learn about the architecture of the Mac OS X kernel with emphasis on its new 64-bit capabilities. Explore the required steps to port kernel extensions to 64-bit and how to use the Mac OS X tools to build, load, and debug kernel extensions for a universal environment.

Speakers: Chris Peak, Shantonu Sen

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WWDC08 • Session 339

Getting Started with Objective-C: Migrating from Other Languages

Essentials • 52:15

Objective-C is the language of choice for development on Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Understanding Objective-C, how it works, and how it supports development on both platforms is key to creating great applications. Learn all about Objective-C, advantages of the dynamic runtime, and compare its design patterns to other common programming languages. If you're new to Objective-C or need a good refresher, this session is for you.

Speaker: Bill Bumgarner

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WWDC08 • Session 340

Creating Secure Applications for iPhone and Mac OS X

Essentials • 51:20

Learn how to protect your customers from emerging security threats by adopting security mechanisms and secure coding practices for Mac OS X and iPhone.

Speakers: David Remahl, Braden Thomas

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WWDC08 • Session 343

Understanding iPhone Table Views

Essentials • 1:03:02

Table views are fundamental to the presentation of information on iPhone. This session will explain the basic features of table views and show you how to use them for everything from creating a simple list to laying out a more elegant user interface.

Speaker: Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 344

Adding Rich Graphics and Media to Web Content in Safari

Essentials • 42:44

Adding sophisticated graphics and media to your website or application has never been easier with the powerful, W3C standard technologies available in Safari. Learn how to leverage cutting-edge features of HTML5 to deliver media with standard HTML audio and video elements and discover how to create rich, animated graphics with new features of the canvas element and SVG.

Speakers: Adele Peterson, Stephanie Lewis

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WWDC08 • Session 345

Managing Certificates for iPhone and Mac OS X

Essentials • 54:46

Digital signatures and certificates provide enhanced levels of security, data integrity and trust in iPhone and desktop environments. Learn how to be your own certificate authority and generate digital certificates with tools and services built into Mac OS X. Discover how digital signing facilitates secure development and distribution of iPhone applications, identification of trusted applications and encryption of corporate email.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Ken McLeod

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WWDC08 • Session 348

Cocoa Fundamentals

Essentials • 1:03:45

Get an introduction to Apple's advanced application-development framework, Cocoa, and its primary language, Objective-C. Learn how to take advantage of common Cocoa programming paradigms, such as target/action, delegation and bindings. Through code examples and demos, see how Cocoa can help you easily create powerful, professional Mac OS X applications. iPhone developers will also gain valuable insights into the heritage of Cocoa Touch and learn helpful techniques for iPhone application development.

Speaker: Peter Ammon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 349

Creating Rich User Interfaces for Web Content in Safari

Essentials • 1:04:24

The powerful, standards-based technologies available in Safari give you exceptional control over the look and feel of your web application on iPhone, Mac OS X and Windows. Learn how to position web content for increased visual appeal and create animated user interfaces using CSS3 transforms and transitions. Discover how to add depth and distinction to your web application with rich-text editing and CSS3 web fonts, and discover new and improved ways to style and interact with forms.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Vicki Murley, Alice Liu

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WWDC08 • Session 351

iPhone Application User Interface Design

Essentials • 1:17:03

iPhone presents a revolutionary user interface and interaction model to developers, and provides an inspiring environment for designing innovative mobile applications. Learn best practices, design techniques and key insights into what it takes to deliver a phenomenal user experience in your iPhone application.

Speakers: John Geleynse, Todd Brannam, Doug Dickerson, John Faith

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WWDC08 • Session 352

Web Development for iPhone: Tips, Tricks, and Advanced Techniques

Essentials • 51:45

Safari on iPhone enables web developers to create applications that truly look and feel like built-in applications. Learn how to detect orientation changes, recognize touch events, create custom site icons, and other advanced techniques to help you deliver a uniquely native experience in your web application on iPhone.

Speakers: Tim Omernick, Brad Moore

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WWDC08 • Session 353

What's New in Objective-C

Essentials • 56:18

Objective-C is the dynamic programming language at the heart of Mac OS X and iPhone OS application development. From its roots as a simple object-oriented superset of C to powerful new features in Leopard, the language has evolved to meet your needs. Learn how to use properties, take advantage of fast enumeration, and use garbage collection in your own development. Discover Objective-C as it is today and learn where it's headed.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

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WWDC08 • Session 362

Controls, Views, and Animation on iPhone

Essentials • 49:46

The UIKit framework in iPhone OS provides a core set of standard user interface controls, such as buttons and sliders. Discover how to use these control objects to respond to user gestures, such as taps and drags. Learn how to use the view hierarchy to best effect and create your own views when you need to extend the user interface.

Speaker: Dan Keen

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WWDC08 • Session 363

What's New in Cocoa

Essentials • 54:23

Get an overview of the newest features and important changes in the Cocoa frameworks. Learn about exciting developments in the Application Kit and other related frameworks on Mac OS X. This session will help orient you to other sessions that will cover these technologies in more detail.

Speaker: Chris Parker

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WWDC08 • Session 364

Font Management and Core Text

Essentials • 1:06:41

Learn how the Core Text font APIs can simplify your applications' font management. If you've been managing fonts with QuickDraw, ATSUI, or ATS, you'll be impressed with how Core Text unifies and simplifies the use of fonts in your applications.

Speakers: Julio González, Nathan Taylor

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WWDC08 • Session 374

Internationalizing Your Software

Essentials • 1:02:42

By creating international versions of your application, you can reach more users and expand your sales. It can even be easy to do, once you know a few rules and learn the tools that do most of the work for you. As a developer, you have to use the right APIs and follow certain rules to be localization-friendly. As a localizer, you need to use the right tools. Learn what to do and what to use from the people who write the APIs and the tools.

Speaker: John Jenkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 375

Using Filesystem APIs Efficiently

Essentials • 59:20

Learn about new file system APIs and how they can be used to access the file system efficiently. Find out how new techniques for accessing file properties and enumerating directories can make your code cleaner and faster.

Speakers: Chris Linn, Keith Stattenfield

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WWDC08 • Session 379

Enhancing Your iPhone Web Application with CSS Transforms and Animations

Essentials • 1:07:16

Adding rich, hardware-accelerated graphics to your web content is now as easy as writing a few lines of CSS and JavaScript. Using the latest web standards, you can scale, rotate, or skew HTML elements, position page components within three-dimensional space, provide smooth transitions, and create captivating animations.

Speakers: Simon Fraser, Dean Jackson

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WWDC08 • Session 380

iPhone Multi-Touch Events and Gestures

Essentials • 39:42

iPhone's ability to handle multiple touches simultaneously is central to its unique usability. Learn how touches and events are represented to your application and how it can respond to a user's gestures to provide an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

Speaker: Jason Beaver

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 381

Core Data Tips and Tricks

Essentials • 57:27

Get the most out of Core Data in your application. Learn how to maximize data access with powerful new fetching options, migrate your old data into new schemas, maximize your performance by leveraging multi-threaded Core Data design patterns, and dig deeply into the performance of your Core Data application. An important session for experienced Core Data developers.

Speaker: Miguel Sanchez

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WWDC08 • Session 382

Simplifying Multicore with Grand Central Dispatch

Essentials • 45:26

Learn how to simplify event handling in low-level tools and applications using Grand Central Dispatch. Grand Central Dispatch introduces a CFRunLoop-like event handling model to the POSIX layer, supporting task scheduling, automatic allocation of work to multiple processor cores, thread management, and event queuing. Grand Central Dispatch also interoperates with CFRunLoop.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

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WWDC08 • Session 387

Text Input on iPhone

Essentials • 53:52

iPhone provides a unique and powerful way to input text via the Multi-Touch user interface. Learn how to use text fields, text views, and web page forms effectively, and how to optimize your users' experience by controlling text entry characteristics and keyboard behaviors.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 391

Building an Advanced iPhone Web Application, Hands On

Essentials • 1:07:44

Safari on iPhone provides a rich feature set, and Mac OS X includes a comprehensive set of first-class tools for web developers. Learn how to bring the two together as you walk through code step by step with Apple experts. Create a compelling iPhone web application that uses cutting-edge features such as DOM touch events and CSS animations and transforms. This session includes a prerequisite download.

Speakers: Antoine Quint, Chris Marrin

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WWDC08 • Session 392

Cocoa Tips and Tricks: Using Leopard Features Effectively

Essentials • 53:14

It's often a small quantity of code that uniquely solves a problem or turns a good application into a great one. Learn how the amazing features introduced in Leopard can improve your Cocoa application. Hear some of the latest tips and tricks directly from Cocoa framework engineers.

Speaker: Ken Ferry

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WWDC08 • Session 393

Managing User Privileges and Operations with Authorization Services

Essentials • 54:39

Discover how Authorization Services facilitates control of privileged operations, such as accessing restricted areas of Mac OS X and self-restricted parts of your application. Learn how to factor your application to perform privileged operations securely and how to use authentication and authorization plug-ins to customize your application's user experience for these operations.

Speaker: Gary Hoo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 401

Leveraging Cocoa's Layer-Backed Views

Essentials • 1:08:16

Take your user interfaces to the next level. Leopard provides the ability to render and animate Application Kit views using Core Animation layers. Learn how to build on this technology and take advantage of animation capabilities that will make your application shine.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

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WWDC08 • Session 402

Managing Secure Data on iPhone

Essentials • 39:46

Learn about data security on iPhone OS and how you can greatly reduce your work in implementing a mobile data security solution. See how to carry out basic cryptographic operations, coordinate the secure storage of sensitive passwords and manage X.509 digital certificates with respective trust policies.

Speaker: Conrad Sauerwald

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 403

Using Advanced AJAX Technologies in Safari

Essentials • 51:04

Many modern web applications gather data from multiple sources and share that information with users. Discover new features in Safari and WebKit that enable secure and efficient data sharing across multiple domains. Learn to leverage other advanced web technologies such as XMLHttpRequest, postMessage, and querySelector to improve a web framework, add features to a web application, or invent the next great mashup.

Speakers: Geoff Garen, Kevin McCullough

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WWDC08 • Session 410

Mastering iPhone View Controllers

Essentials • 49:51

View controllers support user interface elements that enable users to access the information they want quickly and easily. Find out how you can use view controllers most effectively, not only to support navigation, but also to support device rotation and to reduce memory overhead in your application.

Speakers: Evan Doll, Alex Aybes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 411

Utilizing Offline Data in Safari

Essentials • 56:10

Offline data capabilities in Safari open up new possibilities for web application design and data management. By combining SQL with standard HTML and JavaScript, novice and advanced programmers alike can store data persistently between sessions, save data locally before submitting it to a remote host, and enhance the overall user experience and functionality of their web applications.

Speakers: Brady Eidson, Ada Chan

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WWDC08 • Session 412

Cocoa Performance Techniques

Essentials • 1:06:37

Recent developments in Cocoa can help improve your application's performance profile. Using demonstrations and example code, we'll highlight topics and techniques that help you create Cocoa applications that get the most from all the memory and processor cores in the Mac. Deliver the great features of your application with the performance your users crave.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC08 • Session 413

Assigning Your Application an Identity with Code Signing

Essentials • 1:11:41

Code signing in Mac OS X allows the Keychain and other operating system features to verify your application's ownership without prompting your users--even after you've updated your application. Find out how digitally signing your application ensures the integrity of your code and enables the system to recognize and alert users to unauthorized changes. Learn how to sign your applications, how signed applications work and how signing improves security and your customers' experience.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

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WWDC08 • Session 417

Optimizing Performance in iPhone Applications

Essentials • 55:37

Performance optimization is critical for iPhone applications. Learn the best practices for using memory efficiently, optimizing drawing and scrolling operations, and minimizing power consumption for iPhone applications. Discover tips and tricks for using Mac OS X performance tools such as Shark and Instruments to diagnose suboptimal behavior quickly, and learn about built-in solutions on iPhone that maximize available resources.

Speakers: Dave Myszewski, Peter Handel

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WWDC08 • Session 418

Debugging Websites Using Safari's Integrated Developer Tools

Essentials • 1:07:49

Safari on Mac OS X and Windows includes a complete set of developer tools for quickly debugging HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Learn how to use these powerful tools to improve performance, tweak layout to perfection, and quickly diagnose JavaScript problems on even the most complicated web sites.

Speakers: Timothy Hatcher, Adam Roben

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WWDC08 • Session 419

Polishing Your Cocoa Application

Essentials • 1:14:06

Mac OS X users expect more than merely a stable, functional application. Learn how to make your application really stand out by improving usability, responsiveness, security, internationalization, accessibility, and operating system integration. Delight your users with the attention to detail that sets a great application apart.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, James Dempsey

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WWDC08 • Session 420

Using Garbage Collection with Objective-C

Essentials • 52:41

Garbage collection for Objective-C is an exciting technology that manages the memory in your application for you. By removing the worry of memory management, garbage collection allows you to simplify your code and focus on other aspects of your design. Discover how the garbage collector works, how to use zeroing weak references, how to take advantage of Foundation classes using garbage collection, and how to adopt best practices for using garbage collection in your own applications or frameworks.

Speaker: Patrick Beard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 421

Introduction to Kerberos

Essentials • 50:40

Every Mac OS X system includes a Kerberos KDC that plays a significant role in enabling ad-hoc Shared Computers, Back to My Mac and other Mac OS X features. For applications, Kerberos brings Single Sign On capabilities and allows them to take advantage of authentication methods included in Mac OS X, such as using .Mac certificates in lieu of passwords. Learn how Kerberos makes these features possible, and get some tips on adopting Kerberos into your own application.

Speaker: Love Hornquist Astrand

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WWDC08 • Session 425

Performance in Document-Centric Cocoa Applications

Essentials • 1:00:32

Cocoa has a powerful architecture for helping you write document-centric applications. Learn what's new and how you can get the best possible performance from Cocoa's document architecture. You'll learn about using file packages, how to manage the effective retrieval and caching of file system information, and how to write applications that don't slow system shutdown.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

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WWDC08 • Session 426

Creating Ruby on Rails Applications for Safari on iPhone and the Desktop

Essentials • 1:05:35

Discover why Mac OS X is the dream development platform for Ruby on Rails, a powerful and agile web development framework that comes bundled with Mac OS X Leopard. Learn to harness the power of Ruby on Rails to create unified, first-class web applications that are simple to deploy on Mac OS X Server and that display and perform exceptionally in Safari on Mac OS X, Windows, and iPhone.

Speakers: Luke Burton, Joel Young

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WWDC08 • Session 427

Managing X.509 Certificates and Digital Identities

Essentials • 52:08

Mac OS X and iPhone OS provide a host of technologies for creating, managing and using user X.509 certificates. Learn about the various APIs, services, repositories, interfaces and protocols associated with digital identity and how to make your application certificate-aware.

Speaker: Ken McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 432

Mastering iPhone Table Views

Essentials • 48:44

Table views on iPhone give you a wide range of options for customization, and enable you to create a more compelling, dynamic user interface. Find out how you can create checklists, manage editing and reordering, and efficiently implement your own table cells to support custom layouts.

Speaker: Jason Beaver

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 433

Building Native Look-and-Feel Web Applications Using SproutCore

Essentials • 58:10

SproutCore is an open source, platform-independent, Cocoa-inspired JavaScript framework for creating web applications that look and feel like Desktop applications. Learn how to combine SproutCore with HTML5's standard offline data storage technologies to deliver a first-class user experience and exceptional performance in your web application.

Speaker: Charles Jolley

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WWDC08 • Session 434

Getting Started with the I/O Kit: Device Drivers on Mac OS X

Essentials • 53:08

The I/O Kit is a set of system frameworks and libraries for creating device drivers on Mac OS X. If you are new to writing Mac OS X device drivers, learn about the I/O Kit's powerful in-kernel and user-space APIs. Whether you're bringing a new device to Mac OS X or developing an application to access an existing device, this session is for you.

Speaker: Dean Reece

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WWDC08 • Session 435

Configuring the Apple AirPort Interface

Essentials • 32:17

The Apple AirPort interface is the means by through which a wireless networking connection is established. Learn how to detect the available wireless connections, obtain their signal strength and connection information, determine the type of security implementation for the connection, connect with a desired wireless base station, save the connection as a preferred connection for the future, and much more.

Speaker: Alf Watt

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WWDC08 • Session 446

How Do I Do That? Tips and Tricks for iPhone Application Development

Essentials • 1:06:38

The best solution sometimes involves just a small change in coding or thinking. Learn how best to take advantage of Cocoa Touch to improve your iPhone application. Hear tips and tricks directly from Cocoa Touch framework engineers.

Speakers: Andrew Platzer, Paul Marcos

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WWDC08 • Session 447

Maximizing Platform Compatibility of I/O Kit Drivers

Essentials • 36:59

When writing I/O Kit device drivers, you need to support both PowerPC and Intel-based Macs, multiple operating system versions, and 32-bit and 64-bit address spaces, all from a single code base. Learn how to structure your driver and configure build settings to make this possible. Also learn how to use the Leopard user client APIs to enable communication between 64-bit applications and your driver.

Speaker: Jay Towslee

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WWDC08 • Session 453

Using Vectorization Techniques to Maximize Performance

Essentials • 56:09

Using vectorization in your code allows you to process and transform large amounts of data in a single instruction. Come learn how you can take advantage of vectorization in your own code. We'll explain how to use the existing high-level and numerics APIs, which have been optimized for you, along with techniques for using Intel's SSE vector architecture directly within your own code.

Speakers: Jeff Kidder, Eric Postpischil

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WWDC08 • Session 454

Improving Responsiveness in Websites and Web Applications

Essentials • 53:38

Great performance is an important component of any advanced website or web application, and is essential for content delivered to mobile devices like iPhone. Discover techniques and technologies for improving overall responsiveness. Learn how to minimize resource requests, streamline CSS, and use techniques such as image spriting to dramatically reduce page load time for your website or web application.

Speakers: Jeff Watkins, Ryan Orr

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WWDC08 • Session 455

Kernel Extension Management

Essentials • 40:10

SnowLeopard includes a new kernel linker and kernel extension loading system that provide many features such as cross-architecture symbol generation, architecture-specific properties, support for 64-bit kexts, and more. See these new features in action, and learn how they can make kernel extension development easier.

Speakers: Nik Gervae, Andrew Myrick

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WWDC08 • Session 456

The KPCB iFund

Essentials • 16:22

KPCB's iFund(tm) is a $100M investment initiative that will fund market-changing ideas and products that extend the revolutionary new iPhone and iPod touch platform. Focus areas include location based services, social networking, mCommerce (including advertising and payments), communication, and entertainment. Come learn more about building a great company on the iPhone / iPod touch platform and meet the Kleiner Perkins partners managing the iFund. Bring your demos for Q and A.

Speaker: Matt Murphy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 457

Welcome to WWDC - Students


In this hour we'll provide a general overview of the conference week, followed by a presentation by Jonatahan Rentzsch. In this session we'll discuss the myriad technical and entrepreneurial opportunities now available to students on Mac OS X and iPhone. Whether you are looking to put your skills to work in a large development environment or strike out on your own as an independent, you'll gain valuable insight into what it takes to launch and sustain a successful development project, and a solid career. Guest speaker Jonathan Rentzsch is a software developer, Apple veteran, and principle of Red Shed Software.

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WWDC08 • Session 700

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Media • 55:48

Apple's Graphics and Media frameworks bring sweeping advances to developers with an incredible array of 2D, 3D, audio, and video technologies for both iPhone OS and Mac OS X. Whether you are developing a media-rich mobile application or a cutting-edge handheld game for iPhone, building the ultimate graphics application or a content production pipeline for Mac OS X, or designing an application that scales to both platforms, come to this session filled with in-depth information and captivating technology demonstrations.

Speakers: John Stauffer, Tim Bienz, Gilles Drieu

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WWDC08 • Session 701

Handling PDF Content in Your Application

Media • 56:06

PDF Kit makes it easy for your Mac OS X application to display and navigate even the most complex PDF documents. Learn the simple steps for adding PDF viewing, page thumbnails and outlines to your Cocoa application. Understand the structure and content of PDF documents and see how to perform editing and annotation. A great session for any Cocoa developer utilizing PDF.

Speaker: John Calhoun

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 702

Getting Started with OpenGL on the Mac

Media • 1:09:47

OpenGL provides access to high-performance graphics hardware on Mac OS X. Get started with OpenGL development and learn how to develop OpenGL applications quickly on the Mac. Gain a strong understanding of the design and construction of a new application using OpenGL and Cocoa. See how to take your application full-screen, load texture data from a file, render geometry and control graphics state. Understand how to leverage GLSL and the GPU to support more advanced rendering techniques. Attend this session to gain a thorough understanding of OpenGL best practices and explore the power of OpenGL in Mac OS X.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 703

Introduction to Game Development for iPhone

Media • 1:08:26

The iPhone SDK provides an amazing lineup of technologies for developing cutting-edge handheld games. Learn the techniques to harness these technologies efficiently for your users' entertainment. See how to incorporate graphics, audio, accelerometer input, touch screen controls, video playback, and much more as you walk through the process of creating a game for iPhone.

Speakers: Allan Schaffer, Kevin Quennesson

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WWDC08 • Session 704

Understanding the Core Audio Architecture

Media • 1:03:11

Professional-level audio is designed right into Mac OS X and iPhone OS with Core Audio. Get an overview of the Core Audio architecture and learn to take advantage of its richness in your own code. Learn how to write code that works on both the Mac and iPhone. Deepen your understanding of audio codecs and how to work with popular audio formats.

Speaker: Jeff Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 706

Audio Development for iPhone

Media • 1:05:40

Core Audio provides a powerful engine for playing and recording audio in your iPhone application. Learn how to play sounds and alerts, record audio from the built-in microphone and play sound files of arbitrary length. Understand the best practices to minimize latency and conserve power. Learn about the audio codecs and formats available for iPhone and understand the capabilities for playing multiple sounds simultaneously.

Speaker: Bill Stewart

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WWDC08 • Session 707

Mastering the Mac Graphics Architecture

Media • 1:02:31

Mac OS X provides an array of powerful graphics technologies that your application can leverage individually or in combination. Learn about the relationships between Quartz, Core Image, Core Animation, Quartz Composer, Cocoa, the window system, and OpenGL. See how the strengths of each technology can be combined with the others, and learn how to bridge the differences in data types and object models.

Speaker: Andrew Barnes

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WWDC08 • Session 708

3D Graphics for iPhone using OpenGL ES

Media • 1:09:23

OpenGL ES provides the interface for accelerated 3D graphics on iPhone and iPod touch. We'll compare OpenGL ES to desktop OpenGL, then show you how OpenGL ES can drive iPhone games and other mobile 3D applications. Learn how to access OpenGL ES from Cocoa Touch, and how to tune your code to the performance profile of iPhone.

Speaker: Jeremy Sandmel

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WWDC08 • Session 709

High-Performance Image Processing with Core Image

Media • 54:34

Core Image harnesses the GPU to perform image processing operations and create spectacular visual effects. Take the plunge into the practical application of Core Image for image adjustments building on RAW photo processing, using Core Image for user interface transitions, and more. Learn techniques for image processing that range from common to complex. See how you can create filters that harness the GPU for your own algorithms and get instruction about the tools used for tuning custom filters.

Speakers: Frank Doepke, Ralph Brunner

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WWDC08 • Session 710

Integrating Media into Your Application with QTKit

Media • 1:04:10

QTKit delivers the core functionality of QuickTime in a robust framework accessible with Cocoa. See how easily you can play movies, capture audio and video, make edits, splice and combine clips, access movie attributes, and much more. Understand how to leverage Interface Builder and Cocoa bindings to create a functional movie player/recorder.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, David Underwood

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WWDC08 • Session 711

2D Graphics and Animation for iPhone and Mac

Media • 58:45

Quartz and Core Animation are the 2D drawing and animation engines at the heart of iPhone OS and Mac OS X. See how to create, stroke and fill shapes, display bitmap images and draw vector illustrations in amazingly flexible ways. Learn how to provide a dynamic graphical experience by animating composited surfaces and constructing smooth transitions with Core Animation. Understand when and how to go beyond the higher-level interfaces in Cocoa or Cocoa Touch and directly access the rich capabilities of Core Graphics and Core Animation.

Speakers: Derek Clegg, Joel Kraut

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WWDC08 • Session 712

Advanced Media Application Development

Media • 59:09

Dive deep into QTKit, the framework for handling rich media, to learn advanced uses of its classes, data structures, and protocols. Learn the nuts and bolts of creating movie content, tracks, timecode, threading considerations, and more. Understand when and how to drop into the procedural QuickTime API. A critical session for advanced developers who are playing, capturing, and manipulating time-based media.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, David Underwood

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WWDC08 • Session 716

Core Animation Techniques for iPhone and Mac

Media • 1:07:35

Core Animation is the layer-based animation system that is revolutionizing applications made for Mac OS X. Core Animation is also the technology underlying the dynamic user experience seen on iPhone. Learn how to delight your users by using Core Animation for a dynamic, responsive user interface and eye-catching animations. This is an advanced session for those of you going beyond the built-in animations provided by Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

Speaker: John Harper

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WWDC08 • Session 719

Advances in Modern OpenGL

Media • 59:38

Understand how advances in OpenGL unlock the rendering power of the GPU. Tackle GPU-based vertex and fragment processing with the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and use the most current capabilities of OpenGL to modernize your code. Learn techniques for integrating the high-performance 3D graphics pipeline with the other graphics frameworks on Mac OS X. A must-attend session for Mac OpenGL developers to learn how to take advantage of the recent innovations in graphics hardware.

Speakers: Kent Miller, Alex Eddy

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WWDC08 • Session 722

Preparing and Delivering Video for iPhone, Safari, and Apple TV

Media • 1:09:01

Learn how to prepare H.264 video content for optimal playback on iPhone, Safari, Apple TV, and other platforms. Find out which formats, resolutions, and bitrates are appropriate for WiFi or cellular networks. See how reference movies can help you service different clients with a single URL. Hear best practices for structuring your code and delivering your videos through Safari and in native applications using the iPhone SDK.

Speakers: Kevin Calhoun, Jeremy Farabaugh, Eric Carlson, Mike Czepiel

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WWDC08 • Session 723

Tuning OpenGL Applications for the Mac

Media • 1:06:21

Discover the latest techniques to maximize performance for your OpenGL application on Mac OS X. Understand how to tune your code to the performance profile of both dedicated and integrated graphics processors. See how to overcome any GPU-specific hurdles that could take you off the fast path. Delve into the latest tools, techniques, best practices and specific API performance insights to ensure maximum frame rates.

Speakers: Chris Niederauer, Eric Klein, Srinivas Dasari

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WWDC08 • Session 724

Introducing OpenCL

Media • 1:07:22

OpenCL is a groundbreaking new technology that unleashes the blazing power of modern GPUs and multi-core CPUs for use by your application. See how OpenCL gives you full access to the computational capabilities of the Mac platform. Learn the details of the OpenCL architecture and discover its C-like language syntax and powerful built-in functions.

Speakers: Aaftab Munshi, Henry Moreton, Kevin Quennesson

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WWDC08 • Session 725

Application Printing in Mac OS X

Media • 1:15:45

The Mac OS X printing system integrates key technologies such as Quartz and CUPS to produce high-quality printed output. Learn how to deliver flexible printing capabilities and provide exceptional printed output in your application, and learn best practices for enhancing your customers' printing experience. Whether you create applications that print, create printer management software, or develop printer drivers, you'll learn about the latest printing advances in Mac OS X at this information-packed session.

Speakers: Howard Miller, Mike Sweet

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WWDC08 • Session 727

Advanced OpenCL

Media • 1:03:26

Dive deeper into the practical applications of OpenCL to accelerate compute intensive tasks. Discover a variety of algorithms that can harness OpenCL to yield incredible performance gains. Understand the details of writing an OpenCL compute kernel, and get deeper insight into the specifics of the OpenCL execution model and memory architecture.

Speakers: Derek Gerstmann, Ian Ollmann

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WWDC08 • Session 731

Integrating and Extending Quartz Composer

Media • 57:07

Quartz Composer is a powerful and extensible visual programming tool that seamlessly combines many of the key technologies of Mac OS X. Dive deep into practical details about integrating Quartz Composer with your own application development or motion graphics workflow. Learn to build advanced compositions that integrate audio and video, visualize custom data sets, enhance the production value of your user interface and more. Understand how to extend Quartz Composer and get tips for tuning and debugging your compositions.

Speakers: Troy Koelling, Alessandro Sabatelli, Kevin Quennesson

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WWDC08 • Session 735

Image Capture, Manipulation, and Display with Image Kit

Media • 1:08:03

Image Kit provides Cocoa developers with a straightforward interface for common image handling tasks. Discover how easily you can equip your application with image capture, browsing, viewing, import, adjustment and presentation, all within a crisp and consistent user experience. Learn how to apply image processing filters for lightweight image editing, how to capture images from the camera and how to assemble an enhanced image browser. An important technology for Cocoa developers who want to handle photos and other media in their Mac OS X applications.

Speakers: Werner Neubrand, Thomas Goossens, Baskaran Subramaniam

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WWDC08 • Session 736

Extending and Integrating Post-Production Applications with Final Cut Pro

Media • 49:04

The XML Interchange Format gives your video post-production application extensive access to the contents of Final Cut Pro projects. Understand how to use embedded metadata, data and media interchange, and AppleEvents for workflow enhancement, integration, and automation. Some familiarity with XML and QuickTime is suggested for this session.

Speakers: David Black, Helena Ju

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WWDC08 • Session 737

FxPlug Development for Motion and Final Cut Pro

Media • 1:02:48

The FxPlug architecture enables you to create extraordinary effects for use in Motion and Final Cut Pro. See what's possible with FxPlug and learn how to create your own GPU-accelerated plug-ins for filters, generators, and transitions. Understand the best practices for developing plug-ins targeting Motion, Final Cut Pro, or both. Go deeper into advanced topics with details of OpenGL usage and examples of methods to move existing code to FxPlug.

Speakers: Darrin Cardani, Paul Schneider, Pete Warden

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WWDC08 • Session 739

Extending Aperture with Image Editing Plug-Ins

Media • 33:24

Aperture's extensible architecture makes it easy for photographers to integrate 3rd-party image editing plug-ins into their RAW workflow. Get introduced to the Edit API built into Aperture and learn how to develop your own plug-in to manipulate images and metadata within Aperture. See how to send metadata back to Aperture, completing the workflow loop.

Speakers: Blake Seely, Joe Howard

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WWDC08 • Session 500

Mac OS X Server State of the Union

Integration • 1:03:16

Mac OS X Server ships with a wealth of powerful yet easy-to-use and configure services that make collaboration, system management and resource deployment accessible to organizations of all sizes. Come for a thorough overview of Mac OS X Server's host of features and advanced capabilities that can add value to your organization.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Kjell Bronder

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WWDC08 • Session 501

Integrating iPhone with IT

Integration • 1:02:09

The revolutionary iPhone is quickly becoming a leading choice of mobile professionals. Find out about configuring and deploying iPhone in your organization, learn techniques for development, configuration and deployment of native and web-based iPhone applications and discover how server-side technologies integrate with iPhone 2.0--all from the IT professional's perspective.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Steve Cotterill, Curtis Galloway

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WWDC08 • Session 504

Deploying Network and Portable Home Directories

Integration • 56:10

Whether you've deployed a few MacBooks or have thousands of roaming users, you need to ensure that your users are working effectively and efficiently both online and offline. Learn valuable and practical techniques--from real-world IT experts--for planning, deploying and managing network and portable home directories in a hybrid environment.

Speaker: Scott Barber

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WWDC08 • Session 505

Integrating iTunes U into Your Workflows and Infrastructure

Integration • 46:08

iTunes U is a powerful distribution system designed to deliver dynamic educational content to today's digitally-connected students. Learn critical details for leveraging in-house authentication mechanisms, techniques for integrating with existing campus services and workflows, and new features that make iTunes U easier than ever to manage.

Speakers: Eric Bailey, Richard Wolf, Cindy Franco

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WWDC08 • Session 511

Enterprise iPhone Management with Configuration Profiles

Integration • 1:05:29

iPhone configuration profiles make mass support of iPhones a snap. With configuration profiles, your organization can deploy account information, password policies, secure access settings, certificates and more--all within a single package. Get the details on the iPhone configuration profile file format, the breadth of managed services they support, your distribution options, Apple's profile creation tools and all details you need to create them within your own workflow.

Speakers: Stan Jirman, Ron Lue-Sang, Hernán Eguiluz

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WWDC08 • Session 512

Deploying the Mac in a Highly Secure Environment

Integration • 50:25

Macs deployed in government and other highly secured settings have unique requirements, from stringent security requirements to structured software approval processes. Discover tools, resources and strategies for configuring, deploying and managing Macs in a locked-down environment.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Kim Cummings Hersh

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WWDC08 • Session 513

System-Wide Previews with Quick Look

Integration • 53:07

Quick Look lets Leopard users preview documents and media without opening them, quickly providing valuable information and context. By providing rich and timely Quick Look previews, you'll make your presence known in the Finder, Time Machine, and throughout Leopard. Learn about all the options available for producing efficient, compelling previews and thumbnails, and see how you can use Quick Look resources inside your own application.

Speakers: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Julien Jalon, Julien Robert

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WWDC08 • Session 514

What's New for Podcast Producer

Integration • 58:57

Podcast Producer automates and streamlines the production of podcasts of your organization's lectures, training, and other presentations. You can capture high-quality audio and video to upload to podcasts, as well as encode, distribute, and publish podcasts for playback in iTunes and on iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. Learn the new features that make Podcast Producer's architecture, security model, and workflows an even more compelling media distribution solution for your organization.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Kjell Bronder

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WWDC08 • Session 515

Best Practices for Tiger to Leopard Server Migration

Integration • 1:09:09

Improved directory services, enhanced collaboration tools and a revamped management suite are among the many compelling reasons to upgrade to Leopard Server. Discover best practices for smoothly upgrading your Tiger Server based environment with minimal downtime.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, Jeff Walling, Andre LaBranche

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WWDC08 • Session 516

Sync Services: A Complete Tour

Integration • 1:05:58

The Sync Services framework provides data synchronization between Macs, mobile devices and the .Mac service. Get to know the APIs, tools, and techniques available to keep your application data in sync across multiple Macs and learn best practices for syncing Contacts, Calendars, and Bookmarks to iPhone. Master the art of designing a sync schema for your application, and find out how Leopard makes syncing effortless for Core Data applications.

Speakers: Andy Belk, Bruce Nilo

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WWDC08 • Session 517

Managing Clients and Preferences with Mac OS X and Leopard Server

Integration • 56:21

When deploying Macs in a managed environment, Leopard Server provides tools that let system administrators ensure only approved applications are launched, set important system preferences, and manage system resources on a per-user or per-machine basis. Come see how to use code signing to manage application access, find out how to auto-configure application and user preferences, and learn secrets and tips about managed preference attributes.

Speakers: Armin Briegel, Tony Graham

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WWDC08 • Session 519

Push Notification Service: Wireless Notifications for iPhone

Integration • 45:54

The upcoming Push Notification Service lets native iPhone applications provide updated information to users at any time. Your network-based services can leverage this technology to keep users informed of new activity, even when your iPhone application isn't running. Get an early look at the architecture behind this new service, along with the client and server APIs for delivering notifications that your users can immediately act on.

Speaker: Matt Drance

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WWDC08 • Session 520

Deploying and Scaling iCal Server Calendaring Services

Integration • 54:25

Mac OS X Server provides a wealth of easy-to-set up and easy-to-use collaboration applications and services including iCal Server. iCal Server makes it easy to share calendars, schedule meetings, and coordinate events within a workgroup, a small business, or a large corporation. Learn which clustering, deployment, and management techniques to apply in your environment to ensure that calendaring services provided by iCal Server scale as your organization grows.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, Cyrus Daboo

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WWDC08 • Session 523

Keeping Users Connected with the Instant Message Framework

Integration • 41:37

iChat offers out-of-the-box instant messaging for Mac users, and a rich set of native and scripting APIs for developers to determine online buddy status, initiate chats, and send files through iChat. Find out how your applications can facilitate communication between users by creating workflows with iChat on Mac OS X Leopard.

Speakers: Justin Wood, Matt Jarjoura

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WWDC08 • Session 525

Cocoa Development Using Scripting

Integration • 41:54

Cocoa development isn't just for Objective-C programmers. Learn to create Cocoa applications using your favorite scripting language, whether it be Python, Ruby or AppleScript. In addition, find out how to control Apple Event-aware applications from Objective-C, Ruby, or Python through the Scripting Bridge. Come see how Mac OS X Leopard makes application development and interaction easier than ever, from a number of languages.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Barry Langdon-Lassagne

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WWDC08 • Session 526

Latent Semantic Mapping

Integration • 58:30

The Latent Semantic Mapping (LSM) framework is the text-analysis technology that underpins the junk mail filtering of Mac OS X Mail and the Mac OS X Kanji text input method. Using this API and text samples with known characteristics, you create and train maps, which you can use to analyze and classify arbitrary text. Learn more about this technology and the major concepts behind the Latent Semantic Mapping API. FInd out how this API lets you add innovative features to your applications, and learn development best practices to achieve the most robust performance.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Matthias Neeracher, Jerome Bellegarda, Giovanni Donelli

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WWDC08 • Session 527

Sharing Live Content Through iChat Theater

Integration • 45:51

Mac OS X Leopard lets iChat users share presentations, movies, and documents over a video chat with friends and colleagues. The iChat Theater API gives you a number of approaches for controlling how your application's documents or live window contents are shared. Learn from the iChat engineering team how to get started with this exciting Leopard feature, as well as best practices and performance tips for a great experience.

Speaker: Eric St. Onge

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WWDC08 • Session 529

Address Book for iPhone

Integration • 1:14:20

The iPhone Address Book API gives you access to the contact database on iPhone. Find out how to read and write system-wide contact information, create new contacts, and display selected contact information with the same user interface as Apple's iPhone applications.

Speaker: Alex Aybes

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WWDC08 • Session 533

Customizing and Extending Leopard Server Wiki Server

Integration • 36:16

Wiki Server provides ready-to-use collaboration tools right out of the box. Learn how to tailor Wiki Server's built-in themes to include your organization's look and feel and how to extend out-of-the-box collaboration scripts to include your own web services.

Speakers: John Anderson, James Craig

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WWDC08 • Session 534

Spotlight: Search and Be Searched

Integration • 1:04:37

Spotlight is an integral feature of Mac OS X that enables users to search documents and data throughout the system by name, content, or metadata. Making your own documents and data searchable is a critical part of providing a great Mac experience. Find out how to produce searchable metadata for the Spotlight engine and leverage Spotlight from your own application so your users can find content on demand.

Speakers: Andy Carol, Kaelin Colclasure

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WWDC08 • Session 535

Podcast Producer In-Depth

Integration • 54:34

Podcast Producer includes the tools and built-in workflows to automate publishing of podcasts to blogs, iTunes, iTunes U, or Apple TV. Learn how to create advanced workflows that leverage the powerful built-in graphic capabilities of Leopard and provide custom actions that are only limited by your imagination.

Speakers: Eric Circlaeys, Kjell Bronder

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WWDC08 • Session 539

Making Your Application Scriptable

Integration • 1:00:05

When you make your application scriptable, it can be used in Automator workflows and by scripting languages such as Ruby, Python, and AppleScript. Take advantage of Mac OS X's rich application scripting architecture so users can integrate your application into their automated workflows, making your application more valuable to expert and professional users.

Speakers: John Comiskey, Chris Page

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WWDC08 • Session 540

Deploying Podcast Producer

Integration • 41:55

Podcast Producer makes it easy for organizations of all sizes to create high-quality podcasts for playback in iTunes and on iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. Hear about large-scale deployment best practices from the experts, and see compelling demonstrations of real-world Podcast Producer implementations.

Speakers: Jacob Brown, Andy Wasklewicz, Michael James, Jason Deraleau

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WWDC08 • Session 541

Scripting for System Administrators

Integration • 53:18

Gain inspiration--and practical advice--from pragmatic Mac OS X system administrators who use Python, Scripting Bridge, Automator, AppleScript, Ruby and other technologies to automate their world, speed repetitive tasks and build highly useful tools.

Speakers: Andy Leeper, Chris Adams, Josh Wisenbaker

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WWDC08 • Session 543

Deploying Final Cut Server

Integration • 1:15:43

Final Cut Server is Apple's powerful new media asset management and workflow automation tool. Learn the best practices for deploying Final Cut Server. Discover how to configure the event-based response model to build complex workflows that can track job status, and monitor media changes, media delivery and archiving.

Speaker: Matthew McManus

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WWDC08 • Session 544

Doing Business on Mac OS X: The TBWA Media Arts Lab

Integration • 47:02

The TBWA Media Arts Lab (MAL) in Los Angeles produces phenomenal Apple advertisements that are recognized around the world. To find inspiration for such great content, MAL employees are completely immersed in Apple technology: from Mac OS X Leopard, to Mac OS X Leopard Server, to iPhone, to Final Cut Studio. Find out how this all-Apple-all-the-time environment was built, how it's maintained, and what has been learned in the process.

Speaker: Eric Ediger

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WWDC08 • Session 546

iPhone Device APIs: Location, Accelerometer and Camera

Integration • 47:01

Find out how your application can leverage the iPhone's built-in hardware and use detailed device information to provide a revolutionary user experience. Learn to identify an individual iPhone or iPod touch, and pinpoint a user's whereabouts at runtime. Use the built-in accelerometer to create unique interfaces for applications and games, and add a personal touch to your application by incorporating iPhone's camera and photo library.

Speakers: Scott Herz, Ron Huang

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WWDC08 • Session 547

Building and Leveraging Automator Actions

Integration • 50:46

Automator lets ordinary users create extraordinary automated workflows through an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. By working with Automator, your application can become part of complex, business-critical tasks in ways you never thought possible. Find out how to create useful and effective Actions for use within Automator, and learn about Cocoa APIs that enable users to construct and execute workflows from inside your own application.

Speakers: Kerry Hazelgren, Emilie Kim, Sal Soghoian, Michael Silva

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WWDC08 • Session 549

Extending and Troubleshooting Directory Services

Integration • 1:02:27

Directory Services lies at the heart of your organization since many services--including single sign-on, iCal Server, and Podcast Producer--rely on the resource information it manages. Discover tips from expert admins for configuring, extending, managing and troubleshooting your Open Directory and Active Directory infrastructure.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

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WWDC08 • Session 550

Integrating with Final Cut Server

Integration • 1:05:39

Final Cut Server provides powerful media asset management and workflow automation tools that you can easily integrate with other applications in your environment. Real-world examples form the basis of this session, including integration with Ruby on Rails to make a web-based Review and Approval site, and workflow customizations to streamline content delivery to Podcast Producer. Find out how to apply the techniques and expertise used in these examples to improve your system's features and functionality.

Speakers: Matthew McManus, Eryk Vershen

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WWDC08 • Session 551

Providing User Assistance with Apple Help

Integration • 49:07

Providing quick and clear assistance to Mac users is critical to a quality user experience. Be the first to hear about major upcoming features in Apple Help, the HTML-based help system for Mac OS X applications. You'll find out how to build Apple Help into your application and learn about topic lists, improved indexing, and integrated network search results. Additionally, get the details on the brand new format for Apple Help books, indexes, and metadata.

Speakers: Nick Kocharhook, Daniel Feldman

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WWDC08 • Session 552

Unleashing Leopard Server Performance

Integration • 50:00

Leopard Server contains substantial performance enhancements designed to ensure that critical services remain responsive even under high utilization conditions. Get the details on how to maximize performance and enhance scalability of Leopard Server installations across a variety of workloads and configurations in your environment.

Speaker: Steve Parker

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WWDC08 • Session 556

Accessing Contacts and Calendars on Leopard

Integration • 56:20

Mac OS X Leopard provides two powerful Cocoa frameworks for accessing a user's contacts and calendars, which are frequently synced between Mac and iPhone. The Address Book framework lets you talk directly to the data behind Address Book, and provides a reusable panel for choosing stored contacts. The Calendar Store framework gives simple read/write access to events and tasks that appear in iCal, as well as the ability to create complex recurrence rules for repeated events. Find out how these two frameworks can help you personalize your Leopard application while saving you hundreds of lines of code in the process.

Speaker: Matt Drance

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WWDC08 • Session 557

Infrastructure and Deployment Techniques for Large-Scale On-Demand Content Delivery with the Mac

Integration • 57:15

From showing live video to taking dinner orders, Macs make incredible interactive content delivery systems. Discover how Macs have been deployed to deliver thirty-two channels of live television, on-demand pay-per-view and other on-demand services. Discover infrastructure requirements and configuration secrets, and learn how to deploy Macs in challenging and unique environments.

Speakers: Juan Fernandez, Anthony Palermo, Juergen Buchmann, Lennart Hagberg

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WWDC08 • Session 558

Best Practices in Mac OS X Administration Panel

Integration • 1:16:01

Interact with a panel of administration experts to get real-world assistance for honing your Mac OS X administration skills and finding answers to your questions. Whether you are a beginning administrator or the most seasoned professional, gain insight on how other system administrators use Apple's Xserve, Mac OS X Server, Apple Remote Desktop, and Xsan to conquer their IT challenges.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, Joel Rennich, Nigel Kersten, Greg Neagle

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WWDC08 • Session 900

Developer Tools State of the Union

Tools • 1:16:00

Apple's advanced developer tools are used by thousands of engineers to build Mac, and now iPhone applications. See Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments in action, demonstrated by the head of Apple's developer tools group and lead product engineers. Understand the vision that drives development on the Mac and iPhone, learn about the newest features, and hear the roadmap for building leading-edge applications into the future.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Todd Fernandez, Matt Firlik, Max Drukman

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WWDC08 • Session 901

Introduction to the iPhone Development Tools

Tools • 1:04:40

You can now develop your own full-featured, native applications for iPhone and iPod touch. Gain a solid foundation in the tools and workflow for iPhone application development. Discover how to prepare your iPhone for testing, develop your application in Xcode, rapidly design your user interface with Interface Builder, and analyze your application with Instruments for the best possible performance on this revolutionary mobile device.

Speakers: Mike Jurewitz, Rick Ballard, Clark Cox

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WWDC08 • Session 902

Using WebObjects to Build Powerful Web Applications

Tools • 1:10:13

Newcomers and veterans alike will enjoy this fresh perspective on modern WebObjects development. Watch Apple engineers and developer community members walk through the process of creating a powerful, interactive web application with WebObjects. Learn how WebObjects makes it easy to quickly develop and deploy scalable professional websites.

Speakers: Jumana Al Hashal, Guido Neitzer, Pierre Frisch

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WWDC08 • Session 903

Introducing Address Book Server

Tools • 38:47

Address Book Server provides a centralized repository for sharing contact data across the organization. Learn the details of the open CardDAV specification and how Mac OS X Server's implementation simplifies centralized management, integration, and distribution of contact information.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Bruce Gaya

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WWDC08 • Session 906

Xcode for Visual Studio and Eclipse Developers

Tools • 1:07:22

The Xcode development environment is the premiere toolset for creating iPhone OS and Mac OS X applications. As a newcomer to Mac or iPhone development, you will learn the ways in which Xcode both resembles and differs from development environments you may currently use. Explore techniques that will maximize your productivity in this new environment. This session is highly recommended for developers new to Xcode with experience in Visual Studio or Eclipse.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Chris Hanson, Joar Wingfors

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WWDC08 • Session 907

New Compiler Technology and Future Directions

Tools • 1:01:37

Xcode 3.1 introduces two new compilers for Mac OS X: GCC 4.2 and LLVM-GCC. Learn how the new security and performance improvements in GCC 4.2 can help you produce better applications. Understand the innovations in LLVM-GCC, and find out how you can use it in your own testing and development. Finally, get a preview of future compiler developments.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, Eric Christopher, Chris Lattner

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WWDC08 • Session 908

Managing Mac OS X with Netboot, Managed Preferences and Apple Remote Desktop

Tools • 1:02:06

Apple Remote Desktop and the rich set of management tools in Leopard Server make a powerful combination for managing Macs on your network. Come see how these tools can be used in concert to manage a wide variety of deployment configurations in your organization.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Mark Whittemore, Brian Nesse, Bruce Gaya

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WWDC08 • Session 910

Designing Applications with Interface Builder

Tools • 54:52

Interface Builder is a powerful tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces for iPhone and Mac applications. Learn the ins and outs of Interface Builder including laying out an interface, wiring code to graphical controls, and loading interface nib files at runtime. Understand the model-view-controller concepts upon which iPhone and Mac development are based. A must for developers new to Mac and iPhone development.

Speakers: Kelly Keenan, Chris Pavicich

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WWDC08 • Session 911

Advanced Performance Profiling Techniques with Shark

Tools • 1:10:22

Shark is a powerful, lightweight tool for collecting accurate information about the performance of your application. Move beyond the basics to discover how to further interpret what Shark reveals about your Mac OS X application and learn how you can identify and fix difficult performance problems. Finally, join us for a sneak peak at how Shark is evolving for future releases.

Speakers: Eric Miller, Lance Hammond, Rick Altherr

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WWDC08 • Session 915

Using Xcode: Source Editor, Refactoring, Debugger, and SCM

Tools • 50:48

Xcode's editor, debugger, refactoring engine, and source control management support can help you write better code while staying in sync with your team. Discover hidden abilities of the built-in editor, use Xcode's powerful debugger to pinpoint problems, maintain cleaner code with Xcode's refactoring engine, and master project-based SCM support. Take your Xcode skills to the next level.

Speakers: Andrew Pontious, Justin Gareau, Chris Friesen, Antonios Proios, Dave Ewing

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WWDC08 • Session 916

Getting Started with Instruments

Tools • 53:23

Instruments is a versatile and powerful software analysis tool introduced in Mac OS X Leopard, with added support for iPhone OS. Instruments brings context to your analysis, allowing you to view multiple aspects of your application's performance over time and easily correlate events. This introductory session will help you understand how you can utilize this tool in your own development, rapidly identify problems in your code, and write better performing applications for the Mac and iPhone.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Lynne Salameh

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 917

What's New in Core Data

Tools • 49:05

Core Data is a rich framework for managing your application data and persistence on Mac OS X. Join us for a preview of Core Data's upcoming Snow Leopard features including Spotlight integration and lightweight schema migrations. Learn about powerful new fetch request options, sophisticated additions to using predicates, and generating aggregate statistics. Discover the new API, notifications, and changes under the hood that will take your Core Data development to the next level in Snow Leopard.

Speaker: Adam Swift

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 919

Understanding the Xcode Project Management and Build System

Tools • 1:05:15

Beneath the surface of Xcode lies a powerful, highly configurable build system. Understand how to configure Xcode build settings at the project, target, and file level. Learn best practices for structuring complex projects to achieve blazing fast build times on your multi-core Mac. See how to select the right compiler for your project. Get the most out of the tools you use every day.

Speaker: Chris Espinosa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 920

Best Practices for Large-Scale Xsan 2 Deployments

Tools • 49:32

Xsan 2 is a major release that brings greater scalability, redundancy and searchability to your large-scale video and data deployments. Discover best practices for deploying Xsan 2 using your Fibre Channel backbone. Learn how to build a scalable storage area network (SAN) to support your video, podcasting, calendar and email server infrastructure.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Jason Thorpe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 921

Using Dashcode to Create and Debug iPhone Web Applications

Tools • 1:06:22

Dashcode 2.0 includes a wide variety of tools to help both beginning and expert web developers quickly create great iPhone web applications. See how you can save time with an extensive drag-and-drop library of UI controls and JavaScript code snippets. Learn how to customize the new iPhone web application templates and understand runtime behavior using Dashcode's powerful JavaScript debugger. Discover a new way to create powerful, polished web applications for iPhone.

Speakers: Mike Ferris, Dan Gobera, Mike Kahl, Sarah Laiwala

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 922

Creating Efficient Data Models with Core Data

Tools • 43:56

Core Data is a rich framework for managing your persistent application data on Mac OS X. Learn the best strategies for structuring your Core Data model, and the design decisions that will yield the most scalable and efficient application data. An invaluable session for developers new to Core Data and for experienced Core Data developers looking to get the best performance out of their application.

Speaker: Melissa Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 923

Mastering Interface Builder

Tools • 59:52

iPhone and Mac developers depend on Interface Builder to design sophisticated user interfaces in a short amount of time. Learn to use this powerful tool more effectively as we guide you through application development from start to finish. See how you can quickly and easily localize your interface designs and master advanced features to speed your development.

Speakers: Matt Gamble, Jon Hess, Kevin Cathey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 925

Debugging and Profiling Your iPhone Application

Tools • 56:46

Whether tracking down a nagging bug or getting the best performance out of your iPhone application, the Xcode developer tools are ready to help. Learn to debug your applications in the iPhone OS Simulator and on an iPhone to get to the root of problems. See how Instruments can help pinpoint performance bottlenecks. Take a journey through debugging and optimization case studies to see how you can perfect your iPhone application.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Chris Friesen, Steve Lewallen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 930

Using DTrace on Mac OS X

Tools • 57:31

DTrace is a powerful software tracing tool introduced in Mac OS X Leopard, providing much of the data collection in the Instruments analysis tool. Learn how to interact directly with DTrace using command line tools. See how DTrace scripts can be used to understand the runtime behavior of an application, the kernel, or the entire system. A valuable session for all Mac OS X developers.

Speakers: Steve Peters, James McIlree

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 932

Performance Tuning Your Application with Shark

Tools • 1:06:18

Shark is a powerful performance analysis tool for discovering where your application is spending time in iPhone OS and Mac OS X. Learn practical ways to find performance bottlenecks, obtain tips on optimization, and understand how your software interacts with the system. Discover how Shark can help your application perform at its best.

Speakers: Wade Tregaskis, Ryan Du Bois

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 933

LLVM Compilers In Depth

Tools • 57:41

Xcode 3.1 introduces the new llvm-gcc 4.2 compiler based on the open source LLVM.org project. Learn how to use llvm-gcc 4.2 within Xcode, make the most of its new features, and discover how your code can benefit from it. Finally, get a sneak peak at important future directions, including the LLVM/Clang project.

Speakers: Chris Lattner, Devang Patel, Steve Naroff, Ted Kremenek

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 935

Advanced Performance Analysis with Instruments and DTrace

Tools • 56:55

Instruments and DTrace are powerful software analysis tools introduced in Mac OS X Leopard. Explore how you can use these tools to solve specific application and system performance issues. Discover advanced profiling and inspection techniques including adding static DTrace probes in your code, building new instruments to collect data from your custom probes, and using Instruments' data analysis features to study results.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Chad Woolf

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 936

Intel's Multi-Core Software Vision

Tools • 52:51

A software revolution is underway, triggered by the shift to multi-core hardware architectures. Software capable of running tasks in parallel has become critical for scalability across multi-core systems. Intel's James Reinders, Chief software Evangelist and Director with Intel Software Products, will share tips and lessons learned through open-sourcing Intel Threading Building Blocks.

Speaker: James Reinders

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 938

Creating Widgets with Dashcode

Tools • 1:07:18

Dashcode is a start-to-finish tool for building great Mac OS X Dashboard widgets in minutes. With elegant drag-and-drop design capabilities, reusable code snippets, and a powerful JavaScript debugger, Dashcode revolutionizes the widget development experience for beginners and experts alike. Get started with Dashcode and find out how to make the most of its design and debugging features. With these tools at your command, you'll be shipping polished Dashboard widgets in no time.

Speakers: Christian Wagner, Chris Ryan, Han-Ming Ong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 939

Performance Optimization Techniques using Intel Libraries

Tools • 51:14

Scaling the performance of your application to get the most out of a multi-core Mac requires an understanding of the various tools and libraries available at your disposal. Intel engineers will demonstrate, with the help of a real-world use case, how you can employ Intel's Threading Building Blocks and Intel Integrated Performance Primitives to achieve sophisticated and scalable applications on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Phil Kerly, Pallavi Mehrotra, Justin Landon, Mohamed Ahmad

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 940

Mastering Advanced Objective-C Features

Tools • 1:07:53

The Objective-C language, runtime, and garbage collector contain a wealth of features to help make your development easier than ever. Discover how you can master garbage collection for development and debugging, including programming at the C level and upgrading existing code to support garbage collection. Gain deep insight into new features in the Objective-C runtime, including information on multithreading, associative references, and the modern ABI.

Speaker: Greg Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site