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ID of session: wwdc2007-519
ID of event: wwdc2007
ID of session without event part: 519
Shortened ID of event: wwdc07
Year of session: 2007
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC07 • Session 519

Deploying Large-scale Storage Solutions using Xsan and Xserve RAID

Information Technologies • 1:00:56

Measuring your storage needs in the range of terabytes requires a solid infrastructure and an in-depth understanding of networking. Learn how to spec and implement the types of storage solutions used by some of the largest media, IT and HPC companies. Discover the trouble spots you may encounter and how to avoid them during integration. Come hear configuration details and optimization tricks for ensuring the highest performance for your environment.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Ståle Bjordal

Unlisted on Apple Developer site