Configure player


WWDC Index does not host video files

If you have access to video files, you can configure a URL pattern to be used in a video player.

URL pattern


Use any of these variables in your URL pattern, the pattern is stored in your browsers' local storage.

ID of session: wwdc2007-518
ID of event: wwdc2007
ID of session without event part: 518
Shortened ID of event: wwdc07
Year of session: 2007
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC07 • Session 518

Real-World WebObjects Solutions

Information Technologies • 1:06:29

Hear about best practices for building powerful web applications from WebObjects experts, and learn to apply their success stories to your application. See a demonstration of the WebObjects frameworks used with third-party tools, presented by a variety of speakers both inside Apple and from the WebObjects community.

Speakers: Chuck Hill, Anjo Krank, Benoit Marchant

Unlisted on Apple Developer site